Astorath Character in Sundered Lands | World Anvil


Revered by seers, sages, druids, mages, and lovers, Astorath's teachings guide knowledge-seekers and lovers of both knowledge and passion. She emphasises passion in the search for one's goals, and that the gaining of knowledge is only the beginning of wisdom. Many spellcasters worship her as the font of magic, while some druids respect her as a bringer of life, even as they worship The Parents as the god/dess of nature itself.
  Alignment. Astorath is Chaotic Good, emphasising acting as one's individual conscience directs with little regard for the expectation of others, so long as the good of others is upheld.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Astorath are most commonly granted powers from the Life, Knowledge or Arcana domains.   Portfolios. The Goddess of Knowledge and Passion holds the portfolios of Love, Spirit, Passion, Life, and Wild Magic. Her negative aspect is Obsessive Love: passion without restraint or consideration for others, to the exclusion and detriment of all else.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Depiction. Although Astorath is not exclusively depicted as female, it is how she most often appears. She is frequently shown as a full-bodied woman with a wise smile and laughter in her eyes, swathed in layers of gauzy robes and scarves which billow out into books and scrolls.

Tenets of Faith

  • Love and protect life, wherever it may be found.
  • Seek knowledge and share it for the betterment of all. Find those who seek to hoard or destroy knowledge and expose their untruth.
  • The gaining of knowledge is only the beginning of wisdom. Do not learn only for learning's sake, but find ways it will create good.
  • Revere magic, for it is the wild essence of life itself, and through magic many truths may be discovered.


Astorath's holy day is celebrated on the first day of the third month, as life begins to renew in spring, after the cold darkness of winter.
Gem-like heart surrounded by five golden balls in a pentagonal shape, on a parchment background. Symbol of the goddess Astorath.
Heart of Astorath by Nathan Turner
Divine Classification


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