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Placing the coin to her forehead The Gray One reached into her mind and saw flickers of the dream. Focusing harder she could feel the emotions of the dreamer, feel their fear, and the dread they had for the monster now coming into view. Laughing she removed the coin and tossed the payment to the Dream Theif.

History & Usage


Dreams have been used in both light and dark magic for as long as the fairy's can remember.

Everyday use

In light magic fairies often use their abilities to amplify the feelings and intentions from their dreams. However they do not commonly use others dreams.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Dream magic is looked at with a lot of suspicion. Even when used in light magic any use of another's dreams as a source of power or the focus of a spell is frowned upon as it is easy to corrupt or misuse. When used in dark magic it is seen as one of the biggest taboos a fay can commit. The power held in and the influence a magic user can get over the dreamer unnerves most who know of its true potential.

Industrial Use

Any industrial use of dreams is strictly forbidden. Even transforming ones own dreams is taboo as the there can be several unintended consequences of having that much energy in a physical form. 
Dark magic user can condense dreams into several forms one of the most common is to create a coin like object as they are easy to trade, and small enough to use in most ceremonies. Other uses may be to make a jar out of nightmares that is then used to store and 'ferment' or corrupt the innocent dreams of small children.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

If dreams are used to create very powerful magics or too many dreams are used in an area it can alter how humans and fairies dream and can even stop the production of dreams. The reverse has been known happen as well causing an alarming increase in dejavu, day dreaming, and an uptick in paranoid thoughts.

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