Lucia is the biggest continent on Sum. It has the general shape of an inverted "L" with a big tongue of land beginning in the far northwest and stretching out to the south, almost reaching the nothern border of the southern part of the continent.
Lucia has a variety of different biomes. The southern part is mostly grassland, with a big, deciduous forest surrounded by a mountain range to the west, and the Giant Dwarf sitting on the south-eastern coast. Just north of the Giant Dwarf is the Troll Plain, a dangerous, hilly landscape. A river runs from the Giant Dwarf through the Troll Plain, before it meets the Lucianic Bay just east of the forest.
The central part of the continent hosts the Thousand-Fairy-Forest, an incredibly large and dense deciduous forest disconnecting the southern and nothern half of Lucia. A mountain range covers almost the entire west coast and separates the land from the Lucianic Bay. A river that wells in the northern part of Lucia runs through the northwest of the Thousand-Fairy-Forest, before meeting the Lucianic Bay.
The northern part of the continent is divided into three distinct parts by a roughly circular mountain range. The eastern side is open to the sea and mostly made up of rolling hills, except for a pine forest on the northern shore.
The west is completely encircled by mountains and shelters a thick pine forest. To the south-west a tongue of land extends, also nearly enclosed by mountains, except for a small bay at the southernmost tip.
Three peninsulas and a single, small island are located off the eastern coast of the continent. Two of the three peninsulas are part of the Thousand-Fairy-Forest, while the most northern one is part of a wide bay. The island is shallow and hosts a couple of trees.
Fauna & Flora
The southern part mostly consists of deciduous trees that get more dense the farther west one gets. The deciduous forests host different types of plants, from all kinds of mushrooms to herbs used for healing ointments. Bigger wildlife is comprised of deer, boars and bears, smaller wildlife includes hares and rabbits, squirrels and all kinds of hunting birds and songbirds.
The central part, namely the Thousand-Fairy-Forest, is also made up of deciduous trees, which grow dense enough to shut out most of the daylight. Deer and boars can be found here, too, as well as the smaller wildlife mentioned above. This forest, however, is the only place one can find fairies, tiny, but extremely aggressive predators that hunt in swarms.
The forests of northern Lucia are made up of pine trees. Additionally to the bigger and smaller wildlife living in the forests of Lucia, packs of wolves roam the forests.
The plains in both northern and southern Lucia are home to sheep, horses and cows.
Natural Resources
The The Giant Dwarf is the biggest iron and coal deposit on Sum. The mountains of the western tongue of land are rich in silver, and the mountain range in northern Lucia hosts the occasional gold deposit.
While extremely dangerous and difficult to obtain, the blood and skin from trolls are a valuable material with different kinds of use.
Included Locations
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