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Sum is a world full of mistrust. Its inhabitants use sword and magic alike to achieve their goals, and they more often than not stand in each others way. Most intercontinental alliances are short-lived means to an end, with the result of more mistrust and wars with each other.   Some tribes and nations sought to exclude themselves from this infighting and fled into different corners of the world, others raised impenetrable walls to defend themselves from countless invasions.   A lot of people do not participate in their nations battle for power. There are countless of adventurers, mercenaries, scholars, day-workers or hunters of all kind travelling the world, always seeking fortune, be it personal or for the greater good.   Even though the world of Sum seems godless, it is, in fact, not. The pantheon that created this world still meddles in its affairs, sometimes subtle, sometimes rather obvious. Even though their sight is rather rare, the people of Sum are not willing to dispute anybody who claims to have been a witness of a god decending to the world.