Port Sulfur Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Port Sulfur

Port Sulfur is the capital and largest city of Tockotch Hwell, located at the southern bay of the island.   It is a bustling market city and is known as the capital of tieflings and tiefling culture.  It is famous for its black sand beaches, volcanic hills, and thermal springs, along with the fortune tellers, musicians, and enchanters of the isle.   The city's black-stone buildings are often ornamented with gothic stylings, including gargoyles, horns, spikes, and metallic designs.   Port Sulfur is known for its tiefling culture, which is one of openness, vice, edge, luxury, pride, and hedonism.  The Ritzkya has their headquarters in the city.


Majority tiefling, with some native and foreign humans and halflings.


Family leaders of tiefling houses who run the city like a mafia, with their mayor as the mob boss.  Appointees oversee trade to and from other Tockotchian cities and towns, like Sagegrass with its many routes through the Firefields, and the three "swamp towns" of Bordford, Stilton, and Vagalou.


Watchtowers, walls, coastal forts

Industry & Trade

Naval trade in and out of Tockotch.  Tockotch is in need of many raw materials, but also exports many goods endemic to the hwell.


Black-stone buildings and dark streets, sometimes from ash and sometimes from the color of the stones themselves, being mostly made from volcanic rock.  Marble statues and buildings are impressive, and the city is divided into sections via walls, which is in order to prevent fires from destroying the city.


The Hill District: western district with Fool's Hill in the background - mostly residential. The Coast District: southern district along the long coastline - mostly commercial, from shipping to shops. The Spire Distict: central district containing the city's halls, temples, and other tall, stone structures The Wall District: northern district which borders the northern wall and its many entrances to the Firefields The Fort District: eastern district filling the coast, mostly residential, located around Fort Pitch

Guilds and Factions

The Retzkya, the Brandishers, the Faerie Runners, and other anti-government groups have a presence in the city.


Port Sulfur grew as a pirate town, and was often raided or suffering fires and plagues, hence its ancient nickname, Port Suffer.  However, as stone architecture improved, the town started building walls and defenses, and tiefling pirates fought back and became a naval threat in their own right.  Port Sulfur then expanded as trade to the swamp towns and Sagegrass were enabled through naval and land travel improvements.  Today, it is the home of the Ritzkya, the tiefling mafia.

Points of interest

Ritzkya Manor Fort Black Hall of Tieflings Hotel Infernal Fairprice Market Sootbottom Slip House of Ashes Burned Wall Gates to the Fields


Port Sulfur is a destination for pleasure seekers, along with those who have business dealings with the Ritzkya.


Gothic-style, stone buildings of black and dark grey, sometimes with white marble accents or contrasts.  Few wooden structures exist due to their flammability and the city's history with city fires.


Generally flat land
Alternative Name(s)
Port Sultry, Sulfur City, Port Suffer
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Port Sulfurian, Sulfurian, Sulfurite
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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