Bordford Settlement in Subetia | World Anvil
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Bordford, sometimes called "Bogford" due to its proximity to the Boglands, is a town in central Tockotch that is built on wooden boards that act as stable roads connecting east and west coasts.    The town has grown over the years as shipping and receiving ships on either side began exchanging cargo along the Main Boardway, with the help of wheeled crates and dollies. From this industry, the town grew and foreigners began moving to the town to get jobs in loading and unloading cargo. The town is particularly popular with smugglers like Faerie Runners. Official shipments and vessels have stopped using this shortcut due to the desire to avoid sailing around the Filthests of the Iegs Lurness.   Bordford is one of the three "Swamp Towns," along with Stilton and Vagalou.


Mostly human, along with some tieflings


Mayor elected from business leaders among the primary businesses of the town: unloading, "rolling", and loading.


Watchtowers that send smoke signals to signify workers needed, shipment incoming, etc.

Industry & Trade

Shipping, with some fishing and boardwalk-making and repair, which fix not just the town's boardwalks but also the road connecting to Stilton through the Boglands.


Sturdy, wooden structures made from light, split wood, atop a west-to-east floor of boardwalk lining the Main Boardway, on which the shipments travel.


Main Boardway

Guilds and Factions

Faerie Runners


Bordford was home to a small village previously, but it was identified for its opportunity for west-to-east land shipments and transfers, which reduce time away for Murraskian and Arrukian naval vessels heading toward Moethe and other hwells.  The boardway was created and the village grew into its current town size.  Its growth has been hampered by the route not being widely used for official market vessels.

Points of interest

Main Boardway


Wooden buildings atop boards, which are all lightweight and light-colored, as if made from wide bamboo slats.


Wetter ground than the land south of the town which leads into the Firefields, as well as the land above it in the Boglands.  The ground's wetness is also due to the closeness of the west and east coasts, and its freshwater lake.
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Bordfordian, Border
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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