Comet Keys Geographic Location in Subetia | World Anvil
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Comet Keys

The Comet Keys is a string of tiny islands arranged roughly in a line between Moethe and Ghadjo, each containing a lighthouse. Its name is derived from the appearance of the channel (Comet Channel) at night, with its lighthouses aglow on the water, looking like fallen stars.   The lighthouses are manned by solo lighthousers and small families of gnomes, halflings, and humans (around 100 citizens total), who get their goods needed from Cape Candle's market.  The Keys and their citizens are supported by mayor Waxflick Glimbrine of Cape Candle, under Orze Hwell.


Tiny rock islands with lighthouses of various heights, some with underground dwellings for hardy gnomes.  The larger islands contain small houses with small families of halflings or humans.
Alternative Name(s)
Comet Channel
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Ruling/Owning Rank


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