Gnome Species in Strathnora | World Anvil


Long ago, some say before the Dragons invaded, Gnomes appeared in the lands of Strathnora, emerging from the shadows as thought they had always been there. They are most well known for their curiousity and obessesive tendencies.
  The most well known fact about Gnomes is that each has a unique Obsession, a task or accomplisment they wish to perform before dying. Gnomes are also well known for their tendency to die fiery, explosive deaths, usually brought about by delving too deeply into their chosen obsession. How exactly this occurs is unknown, but it is a well documented phenomenon. To this day it is unknown what happens when a Gnome completes this Obsession, though some claim that they die a true death and the fragment of their god that makes up their soul returns to Gnom.
"Don't be an exploded Gnome."
- A common proverb meaning to not obsess over something to your own detriment

Basic Information


Gnomes are short, thin humanoids, usually no more than 2 to 3 feet in height.

Genetics and Reproduction

There have been no reports of Gnomes ever reproducing or creating offspring. This is due to them being part of their god, Gnom, and so forming from the aether itself when being "born".

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes always appear as fully grown "adults", though their levels of maturity differ between each Gnome.

Ecology and Habitats

Gnomes can be found literally anywhere in Strathnora. This is due to Gnomes always having appropriate adaptions to suit the environment in which they appear, from thick hair and beards for Tundras, to even gills for underwater.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gnomes can and will eat anything at least once, regardless of its nutritional value or toxicity.


Gnomes are known for their curiousity and varied personalities, as well as their Obsession.   A Gnomish Obsession is the singular purpose a Gnome holds for themself above all else. These can range from creating a specific item to exploring a specific place to attaining a specific position. Surprisingly, they are always realistic and entirely possible for the Gnome to achieve, leading to many Gnomes being in positions of authority in various cultures.   If a Gnome rejects or abstains from engaging their Obsession, they will begin to lose colour in their skin and hair, an effect commonly referred to as Bleaching.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Gnomes have no true social structure, instead adopting that of the sentient races around them. This means that two Gnomes with similar Obsessions may be entirely different in culture simply because one has been around Humans, while the other has been around Dwarves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Gnomes are found practically anywhere there are other sentient races, but also in places where there are no other living beings.

Average Intelligence

Gnomes are incredibly smart, able to learn about any subjects pertaining to their Obsession with ease and speed that puts even the greatest scholars of other races to shame. However, they tend to be very naive about anything not related to their Obsession, often coming off as idiot-savants.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes possess a wide range of sensory abilities depending on the "type" of Gnome they are, though all have the ability to see in low-light environments.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomish names always follow the same structure. This being a relevant cultural name for the first Heritage they encounter, followed by a surname made up of a number and an object related to their Obsession.   For example, a Gnome that appeared in Elven lands, and has an Obsession with growing mushrooms, could be called Lyari Twoagaricus, whereas a Gnome that appeared in a Dwarven Citadel with an Obsession with Alchemy could be Bruzzoc Sixflask.   Why the first part of the surname is always a number is unknown, only that it is.

Gender Ideals

Gnomes have no concept of gender, though each does infact have a biological sex, and are often confused by the gender ideals and norms of other Heritages and Cultures.

Average Technological Level

Gnomes are known for being master creators, using knowledge far beyond what is commonly available to create amazing and mysterious things with myriad uses.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Gnomish, Sylvan, as well as any number of other languages.

Common Taboos

The Bleaching is an effect that occurs in Gnomes that have abandonned or lost interest in their Obsession, leading to them losing colour in their hair and skin. This is seen as a slight against their god, Gnom, who gave of himself so that all Gnomes could be adventurous and excited by their passions.

Common Myths and Legends

Gnom, original god of the Gnomes, created the Gnomes from his own self after misunderstanding the idea of creating a race in his own image. It is said that when a Gnome achieves their Obsession, they die a final death, and the fragment of their god that makes up their soul is returned to him. Thus, the only way for Gnom to ever fully return is for every Gnome in existence to have died in this way.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes get on with everyone, especially as they are able to assimilate into other cultures exceptionally easily. It is not strange to see Gnomes living with solitary tribes, or walking around bustling cities.
A Female Gnome Druid
A Male Gnome Crafter
Scientific Name
Gnomo Gnom Sapiens
Average Height
2 to 3 feet
Average Weight
35 kg
Geographic Distribution