Fillin O'Leary Character in Strathnora | World Anvil

Fillin O'Leary

Fillin O'Leary is a robust and hearty human with a welcoming demeanor that mirrors the warmth of The Pickled Gnome, the tavern he co-owns. Standing at an average height, his weathered face bears the marks of a life well-lived, with laugh lines around his bright brown eyes that twinkle with mirth. His short, brown hair, which seems perpetually tousled, adds a touch of charm to his friendly visage.   Community Involvement:
Fillin actively involves himself in the Havenport community, participating in local events and supporting charitable causes. His commitment to fostering a sense of community extends beyond the walls of The Pickled Gnome, making him a well-regarded and respected figure in the Student District.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Magical Aptitude:
Though not a wizard or spellcaster, Fillin has a keen appreciation for magic and magical creatures. His experiences in the arcane-infused realms have left him with a deep respect for the wonders of the magical arts. This appreciation is reflected in the occasional magical events hosted at The Pickled Gnome.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fillin O'Leary's life took a turn from adventuring to entrepreneurship when he and his wife, Melaine, decided to establish The Pickled Gnome. The couple's journey began as adventurers exploring the magical realms, encountering fantastical creatures and collecting tales that would later become stories shared within the tavern's walls.   Adventurous Past:
Before settling in Havenport, Fillin and Melaine embarked on numerous adventures across the magical landscapes. The tales of their encounters with mythical creatures, magical artifacts, and daring escapades have become legendary among the locals. Some patrons frequent The Pickled Gnome not only for its ambiance but also in the hope of hearing a firsthand account of Fillin's adventures.

Intellectual Characteristics

Fillin is known for his jovial and outgoing personality, making him a beloved figure among the patrons of The Pickled Gnome. His genuine interest in the well-being of Huppledruff's students goes beyond the typical tavern owner; Fillin often engages in conversations with the students, offering words of encouragement and occasionally sharing tales of his own adventurous past.

Personality Characteristics


Entrepreneurial Spirit:
Fillin's transition from adventurer to tavern owner was fueled by a desire to create a space where students could find respite from the rigors of academic life. His entrepreneurial spirit, combined with a passion for creating a welcoming atmosphere, has turned The Pickled Gnome into a thriving establishment.


Melaine O'Leary

Wife (Important)

Towards Fillin O'Leary



Fillin O'Leary

Husband (Important)

Towards Melaine O'Leary



A quiet man who enjoys the simpler things in life. Bartender at The Pickled Gnome student tavern. Stronger than he looks, tougher than an angry Owlbear.

Character Location
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Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ah, my friend, life's an adventure, and every tale shared over a good meal or a fine drink adds a chapter to the grand story. Here at The Pickled Gnome, we're not just serving food; we're crafting memories and weaving tales that echo through the ages!"
Other Affiliations

Cover image: Character Header by Appy Pie Design
Character Portrait image: Fillin O'Leary by Picrew