Strangeworld First Actions

First Actions



Several adventurers were summoned discreetly to the residence of Councilor Vedthu Avva to investigate the murder of a political rival before it could become politically embarrassing.

The characters were brought together by the Vvedthu Avva, the Councilor for the District of Khitu in Vvathaf. She explained that Eirap Zedthun, the son of a political rival, had been found murdered. She needed the party's help solving the murder before the Lady Constable Zhymani Tævvu was informed of the murder, to avoid political embarassment.   The party did some investigation and discovered that Eirap had seen something recently that had him very spooked. Patrons of his favorite tavern, the Greasy Goose, recalled him saying he saw someone change into a "clay man". Following that lead, they found their way to a a seedy tavern on the Street of the Cheesemongers called the Awful Awning. Inside, they met with the bartender, a gnomish woman named Meilur. After some cajoling and outright bribery, they discovered that Eirap had been there three nights previous and had gone through the bar into a smugglers' landing for the Fence (the black market arm of the Sirens - a pirate group). When he had returned to the Awful Awning, he had seemed agitated.   The party managed to gain access to the the entrance leading to the Landing. Descending, they found a small outpost for smugglers. They made their way through the complex, learning of the secret passage leading to the dock and warehouse by capturing a sleeping smuggler and forcing him to reveal the complex's secrets. They also learned that the leader of the Fence, a figure named, Bvidthu, was away on business, but his assistant, Rezhu Dwarfmaiden, had remained behind.   They made their way to the warehouse where two members of the party - Xyrzanna and the Thamior - were immediately dropped by crossbow bolts. The remaining two - Ocet and Bawub - battled on, overcoming the smugglers. Unfortunately, during the fight, Xyrzanna succumbed to her wounds and died. On Rezhu's body, however, they found a note explaining that Eirap had seen something he should not have seen and was to be killed to silence him.   Returning to the surface, they found the Awful Awning under the control of the Lady Constable and her Watchers. They were taken into custody, where they told their story. After a few hours locked up, they were brought before her again, paid for their service, and sent on their way without another word from her or the Councilor.

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