Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus Character in Strangeworld | World Anvil

Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus

Lord Tortellius Cathicus Rotellius Torbo, Dux of Brundelium

Tortellius is the Dux of Brundelium.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tortellius served as Tribunus Laticlavus of Legio XII in Andudium prior to his thirty-fifth year. Once he reached that age, he successfully petitioned for admittance to the Imperial Senate, though he has rarely been in attendance. In 8078, the Etarun States, led by Aleksandros IV of Psikandos, invaded the Estinian half of the Kathi Plain. Tortellius was selected in 8079 to serve as Legatus Legionaris of Legii XX and XXI, which he commanded for the next three years, putting down the incursion and earning himself the appellation "Cathicus." In 8083, he was appointed Dux of Brundelium and has dwelt there ever since, though his family still holds a villa in Estinople, where his wife and daughter reside.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • A very competent and capable administration as Tribunus Laticlavus of Legio XII, proving himself much more than a mere political appointee.
  • Successful military campaign against the Etarun States on the Kathi Plain 8079-8082.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Excellent strategic and tactical thinker
  • Natural leader who is well-respected by his subordinates

Morality & Philosophy

Service to the Imperium is the highest calling.


Iulia Rotellia Torbo

Sister (Important)

Towards Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus



Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus

Brother (Vital)

Towards Iulia Rotellia Torbo



Alia Batrana Edaiuna

Wife (Important)

Towards Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus



Tortellius Rotellius Torbo Cathicus

Husband (Important)

Towards Alia Batrana Edaiuna



Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
8041 AF 48 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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