The Wall Settlement in Story | World Anvil
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The Wall

The Wall is a military base located on the northern border of the United Imperial States in the middle of Barrier’s Pass. Its primary purpose is to watch the border and to prevent a surprise invasion from Forosia. The structure consists of a large, dam like wall which stretches from the edges of the mountain walls. The wall is curved inwards facing the Forosian Border to increase the length of the wall and therefore increase the amount of guns that can be place on top of inside of the structure. The Wall is fairly thick, behind the 3 meter thick concrete wall is numerous rooms and workshops to keep the base mostly self sufficient. The base only requires imported raw materials and food and can build all sorts of machinery and weaponry on site from military issued Fabricators who live there. Most soldiers dread being sent there due to the bitter cold and repetitive and boring work. However did conflict break out at the Wall, the Wall could certainly stave off most attacks. The Wall has flak cannons, artillery pieces, infantry and armored vehicles to defend or even counter attack. The Wall generates its own electricity from Wood Gas generators which charge large batteries. However the generators and batteries are very old and are mostly used to power large industrial equipment and heaters. However if they tried to heat up the entirety of the Wall and use all of the industrial equipment, the generators wouldn’t be able to keep up so they try to save as much power as possible by only heating critical rooms and micromanaging equipment use


The Wall first came to be at the very early stages of the Imperial States. After all the states have been unified but during the period of time when most of the states were still cautious of each other and unorganized, Hero King Maximus was concerned that if they failed to invade Forosia, that they will counter attack and take over, even potentially attacking without cause. To prepare of this, Maximus ordered the construction of a large wall to block of and defend Barrier’s Pass, a lot of resources were poured into the project to make sure it would be built as fast as possible and to withstand any theorized invasion. The country tried to round up as many Geocasters that it could find. It was built in less than a year and  proved its worth in the Barrier’s Standoff. It hasn’t been attacked ever since. It has mostly been untouched for the rest of the Maximus period and even through the Fale period. It was during the Malissa era where its population was cut in half along with its maintenance budget as to support the war effort. It now sits with a skeleton crew to keep it running and to maintain security within the border
Military, Base
Roughly 150 Soldiers
Location under
Owning Organization


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