Rev'lanek Earthquake Physical / Metaphysical Law in Stormbridge | World Anvil
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Rev'lanek Earthquake

Rev'lanek was the name of the territory according to the dwarves who traveled through the area and the bugbears, orcs, and hobgoblins who lived there. It was re-named Beullu Bichi by the second wave of expansionist elves to part from the elven empire. In any case war was still on going between the elves who had come to settle in the area and the shorter lived races that had been in the area before the elves arrived. That was when a major earthquake shook both the shores and the waters around the area. The earthquake was simply known as the mountain ripper to most of those who lived through it but the real devastation was only half done when the shores seemed to turn to liquid and swallow people and buildings alike. The tectonic plate continued beneath the land and out into the water.   Not long after the ground finally quit trembling and the dust was still settling where a chasm had opened in the earth the waters of the beach receded much farther than had ever been seen with low tide. The most experienced seamen began shouting warnings and running inland knowing that it was to late already. The wave when it came ashore is simply described as a wall of water two great trees or three castle walls high. The waters came ashore flattening most things in it's path. As with so many other tsunami people who expected to die were swallowed by the water but lived others who seemed to be in safe places died. Many who stood next to each other found that they lived while only a foot or two away the friend or family member who stood there died.   The area, for what is recorded as a moon's change worth of walk up and down the coast, and eight days inland were ascribed as devastated or destroyed. So many died that it brought an end to the fighting between the elves and the native peoples in the area. There were so few left that they banded together to survive. There were some among both groups who had no wish to end hostilities and these were punished with death by their own people. Elves who could not stop warring were killed by the rest of the elven community. The native bugbears, orcs, and goblins followed suit and banished or killed their own who wouldn't put the past aside for current survival. That is how the second wave of expansionist elves settled away from the empire and found balance with the other races of the area.   This way of survival that took in other races and led to mixed blood with them also led to the final command from the elven emperor of the time placing a permanent exile on them for breeding with lesser creatures. None of the second wave were to be allowed to return even if they wished to and were willing to try and make amends with their emperor.   This earth quake was a massive 8.3 on the Richter scale, localized on the shores of Rev'lanek. Still the damage was wide spread and gnomish communities not far from the area were severely damaged as the stones and supports of their home tunnels cracked and in some cases caved in. It is only due to the tireless work of the undead that so many survived because those who died were soon put to work on the repairs and rescue efforts for those who had lived.


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