Drek Species in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil


by Bogden Tomchuk, Unknown, S. Mikkelsen

Basic Information


The Drek are a sturdy and strong, bipedal humanoid species. Drek skin tones vary, encompassing everthing from Olive brown hues through light-grey tones and into slate-grey tones. with Brown skin tones being the most common. Drek have prominent lower canines that resemble tusks. Drek eyes come in a variety of Hazel, Amber, Yellow and Red colors. Notably, Drek are capable of interbreeding with humans.

Biological Traits


Dreks have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+1, DEX-1  


Bite: All Drek possess pronounced canines, which make for a nasty close combat weapon. This bite uses the Melee (natural) skill and does 1D+1 damage.   Drek Work: Drek excel in teamwork, especially when they're laboring together. Drek characters gain a +1DM to any STR related skill checks made when collaborating with other Drek.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The knowledge of what was the ancestral home world of the Drek have been lost to time. though they've been spread far and wide across the galaxy due to their enslavement. meanings Dreks have found many places to call home.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Drek culture places a strong emphasis on physical and collective strength, a testament to their history of overcoming challenges. Many Drek are driven by a shared quest to discover their lost ancestral homeworld, a pursuit that has given rise to historians, explorers and travellers among them. Other Drek seek a deeper spiritual connection to their roots. Some find this connection through various religions present throughout the galaxy, while others choose to live tribal lives. Some adorn themselves with paint or tattoos in assumed tribal markings. Though many Drek have accepted their homeworld as lost to time or forgotten and have instead sought to build connections, adapt, and integrate into their new homeworlds and their diverse societies.   Referring to a Drek as 'Dredge' can have a deeply offensive and hurtful impact, similar to using a highly derogatory term in other contexts. The term 'Dredge' was historically employed by their oppressive slave masters as a means of demeaning them and erasing their identity. Consequently, it carries an emotional weight and painful history that the Drek have not forgotten.


The name "Drek" originates from the derogatory term "Dredge," which was used by their oppressive slave masters. The Drek endured centuries of suffering as they were captured, traded, and sold on the galactic slave markets. They were seen as strong but perceived as simpletons, often relegated to arduous and monotonous tasks referred to as "dredge-work." The mass enslavement of the Drek persisted for millennia during the Galactic Imperial reign and beyond. This extended period of subjugation resulted in the Drek being dispersed across the galaxy, and over time, their ancestral homeworld and its location faded into obscurity.   The dominance of agriculture on Outer Rim Confederacy (ORC) worlds led to a significant concentration of Drek populations within the ORC territories. As a response to this concentration and the injustices suffered by the Drek, laws were enacted within the ORC explicitly forbidding the enslavement of Drek. However, this change did not come easily. Influential landowners initially resisted these reforms, and it was only after the Drek found a political ally in Straya and with a prolonged period of riots, violence, and civil unrest that these new laws were finally enacted, marking a significant step towards the Drek's freedom and equality.   Elsewhere in the galaxy, however, the plight of the Drek may be different. In regions beyond the ORC and other areas where they have managed to secure their rights, some Drek may still endure enslaved conditions, facing ongoing struggles for emancipation and equality.
Genetic Descendants
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