Drek-Hybrid Species in Stories of a Galaxy | World Anvil



Basic Information


Drek-hybrids inherent a mixed set of features from thier ancestry. built much like humans, the protruding lower canines are still present but much smaller. Eye and hair colours are representative of both ancestors. when it comes to skin colours this have a characteristic mutation, with a 50/50 chance of either inheriting the skin tone of thier human ancestry or having a mutation in thier pigmentation, that is a mix between the skin tones of both ancestry, in a intricate random pattern.

Biological Traits


As hybrids, like thier Human ancestory, no characteristic modifers are applied.


Adaptive: Drek-hybrids commonly navigate the social intricacies of diverse cultures. Drek-hybrids gain +1DM to any Persuade checks when collaborating with Drek-Hybrids, Humans, and Dreks.

Genetics and Reproduction

In the vast cosmos, the mingling of different species has led to the emergence of unique individuals known as Hybrids. These remarkable beings are the offspring of interbreeding between two distinct species. When a Human and an alien species, such as the Durus, Thuleians, or Drek, come together, they give rise to what's commonly referred to as a Hybrid.   The Hybrid concept is divided into Generations, represented as Gen1 and Gen2. Gen1 Hybrids are the offspring of a Human and an alien, while Gen2 Hybrids are any subsequent offspring from Hybrid parents. Hybrids can interbreed with their own kind or with any of the original parent species.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Drek-hybrids can be encountered across the galaxy. with high concentrations on and near worlds were both Humans and Drek reside.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Drek-Hybrids, born from the fusion of Human and Drek ancestry, adapting to the diverse societies they are raised in. often as a response to potential prejudices they face due to their mixed heritage.

Rootlessnes and the search for identity remain a trend often seen as integral to their cultural narrative, as they strive to forge their own path and challenge stereotypes in their journey of self-discovery.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Organizations

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: