Kharis Species in Stellaria Aeterna | World Anvil
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Kharises are a bipedal simple people, originally from the Oxelis planet, having colonies on almost every known telluric planet. They are often compared to humans as a "superior" version of them, being able to generate and use energies, being older and superior to them in terms of technology.   Also, the unique division they have is between the Pure Kharises and the Grimms, in 113 P.A. It has been caused by the public outcome of manipulation of the Grimmis led by Archos and the Foreigners, claiming their independence.  

Average Physical Features

  Kharises are humanoids having similar bones to humans, having their Ritsotsei horns as a supplement in addition to having hairs replaced by crystalline hairs called Kharistal. Their feet are composed of 3 big taloned toes whereas their hands is similar to human one, having a spike at the end of each finger. Kharises got the same senses as humans, using their Ritsotsei horns instead of ears to hear and generate Energione passively in addition to their natural physiology.   Kharises do sexual reproduction like humans, having 11 months gestation time. Due to Ritsotsei horns growing before being born, a cesarean is frequently needed to get the baby out of the mother's belly. Women's in recent Kharis generations got a lot less breast scale, due to the very frequent use of robots to feed up baby Kharises. The menopause of female Kharises happens at ~520 years but can be easily pushed thanks to Ubervia even if it means having a high level in it.  


The Kharis scaly skin is generally pale, mealy, in blue-teal colors thanks to their Psionic energy. Some are a bit purple due to their Magiinaa natural generation, or red, grey for Grimmis. Past 400 years, their skin starts to shine, due to the density of Psionic energy in their body. In the case of long Grimmis exposition and generation, the skin color is more generally grey or pale red. The older they are, the brighter is their skin, depending on the energy they mostly use. Also, their eyes get a new "Circle of Life" all centuries that pass out, based on the energy they use. (Blue-Teal for Pure Kharises, Purple-Magenta for Magiinaa & Essentia main users, Red and Grey for Grimmis -Can be different in exceptional cases-).

Growth and Living Conditions

Kharises likes to live in rich-in-metals zones, and Psi-producing ways, such as natural species, plants, or minerals that can be easily consumed to generate Psi-energy or more generally food. Due to their scaly skin, they prefer hot temperatures, such as between 25~40°, but they can resist without adapted clothes to ~20° as minimal to 55° maximal. In case of frost, they can consume the Psi-energy they generate to heat up their body.
They grow until their adult height during ~150 years, whereas between their 250th and 300th years, the Khirarium occurs.
Angry & Psi kharis face

An angry Kharis, using Psi energy and having, in consequence, a pale teal skin.
Classical & Magiinaa Kharis Face

A Kharis using Magiinaa energy and having in consequence a pale purple skin.
Sad & Grimmis Kharis Face

A sad Kharis, using Grimmis energy and having, in consequence, a pale red skin.
Confiant-Neutral Kharis Face

A confident female Kharis which have grey skin, caused by a bad conversion of Ritsotsei horns from Psi or Magiinaa into Grimmis

Facial Features

They have an oval head, overcome by some sort of external natural helmet on the top of their head, causing little spikes to be present. They also got behind their hairs, having the same color range, except blond hairs, but it's possible to see Kharises with cinder-colored hairs. Kharises have a discrete mouth at the bottom of their face, under their-gem shaped nose. They don't get ears but can capt sounds through their Ritsotsei horns as well as their energy-colored strain of hairs.
Their eyes are pretty special, they got a slightly skin-like color in the back of their eye, with a point of their skin color for each century they lived within a white pupil. The disposition of the points may be different for each individual.

Society Features

Kharises are extremely polite, generally considered as the most polite race of the known universe, from their extremely organized & clean way of life with the conventional method of war (except some..). They're also pretty handsome with others beings and respectful with their superiors, in power and honor.
The Kharis is divided into 2 great civilizations: The Pure Kharis and the Grimms. The first is mainly using the Psionic energy, whereas the second uses the Grimmis. Kharises talk the Common language, but some also talk about the Ancient Kharis, a language that has disappeared after the creation of the Common, as well to the Qualiangr, a language from artificial beings named Qualiangrs.

Secondary Names

Some Kharises wear a secondary name (ex: Khararis'Tan, Hyponnan'Tuza..), it's like an artificial family. Any Kharis can choose it at will, with the accord of someone already wearing this second name. If every wielder of this name is dead: No one can ever get this name and will be written on the walls of the Wisdom Pinnacle.
In the case to create or simply get a second name, you got to go to the Wisdom Pinnacle.
  This suffix is pretty useless in the first mean but is mainly for an honorific sense. If someone for example gets honors, everyone with his secondary name gets them, whereas getting dishonor is applied to everybody with this suffix. The Grimmis users and mainly the Sarcholians uses the secondary name differently. In fact, the secondary name in the majority is from one of the clans they belong to or their family names or in another case having their first family name and another name addition. It mainly happens when two important families merge with marriage.

Gender Differences

Since there is no giant gap physically between different men in Kharis civilization, the only real physical trait females research is someone able to be at their level. On the opposite, women have to participate in wars, which is the cause of the major use of light weapons, or more generally the cause of this many warrior women. Unlike the human being, the Kharises nearly have no distinctions between masculine and feminine gender ideals: Both are tasked with domicile-home work, professional work, army, or even clothes, where the differences are minimal. The only main distinction is about scientists where females Kharises nearly don't work. An ideal Kharis man is generally someone who carries his family, its secondary name with honor, with power, or more generally to prosperity. Differently, a Kharis woman is someone with a strong nature, without fear to talk, and volunteer.

Clothes and Couple Lives

Kharises generally wear light clothes, composed of a main cross-like armature on the bust for men, of 2 bound circles under the breast and above the hips (sometimes the low part is absent) for women. The clothes are generally based-off these bases, but sometimes these are different and got weird bases, because of Ritsotsei horns past-Khirarium.
We can notice that arms and legs are not often covered by armor, but more generally they are surrounded by bandages of metal.
A perfect relation between Kharises of the opposite gender is based between the conjoined work, conjoined fight, conjoined lives. This example of relation is based-off the fact that "What's opposite is attracted." Fact, yellow, blue, teal, and orange are very common colors to Kharises clothes, as well as to the grey and black for Grimms.
Kharis Female Dress 1


Kharises are always considered as very educated forms of life, very curious but also very weird for the older ones, even more than human ones. From their honor-based civilization, their main customs are based on respect for anyone that has been honored by the Kharis world.
They are also very often designed to be the cleanest race of the universe, always using robots to do trash work, which is sometimes considered as a lazy facet.

Kharises are extremely advanced technologically beings, using in most of their tools and/or weapons based of concentrated beams, and numerous Energy Phase Objects as well to countless Psi and Grimmis items. They also use a lot of exo-suit, prosthesis or even body extension.

Myths, Legends, Believes, and Heroes

The most instigated myth is about The Aurorium Myth, energy ghost-like dragons in the Stars, dying and exploding when the star itself dies in the stars.
Most realistically, the known historical figures from the Kharises are the 3 Infinity Templars: Korea'Cos, Fyeröjn and Jovarinh'Cos. We can also assume that the second Infinity Templar, Fyeröjn is a legend, as the Incarnation of the Ice, killing whoever would be considered as too powerful in the universe.

To the World

From the Kharis and their scientists, engineer, and others, nearly the entire world respect the Flux energy as "the" ultimate energy, which would be the origin of most things, since the Telistis gene, the link between spirit and body, is the most efficient materials of the world, and the Melenis Artefact all have Flux inside.  

Ritsotseï Horns

Ritstotseï horns are a weird part of Kharis physiology, they possess many utilities but their true growth and "birth" are still a mystery for science as they can't determinate exactly what causes the growth. Most scientists suggest that the horns begin to grow when the teenage begins, where libido is most of the time way much higher than in the entire life. The others suggest that it's mainly due to their natural exposure to their Energione which causes and favorite the growth. But besides this unending debate, most people believe that is due to the teenage arrival but grow approximately until the 200th year. The horns are very useful in several situations, they generate natural Energione for the user, generated from a specific part of their Intravirtue which also helps to stock Energione but is also something very good and bad in a way to find creative ways to dress up.

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