
God Born

The Daru are one of the few races who can claim to be directly created by the the gods. They are one of the two surviving ancient races and there is a pervasive belief this is because they have stuck so closely to Rastil's plans for them in the creation and protection of the @Seed Groves. Regardless of the truth of the belief, the Daru themselves hold a high regard to the divine because of their origins. Basing much of their cultural identity and traditions around the gods. Even to this day, where cultures diverge and traditions change, the vast majority of Daru live within clan based @Seed Groves. Pockets of highly dense flora and fauna which are protected religiously by the clans. This direct connection to the pantheon can also be seen in their relatively unnatural abilities. Such as their near immunity to lightning, being able to generate lightning from their bodies, and other abilities their biology cannot explain. While at the same time being very clearly not from an arcane source.    

Forward Driven

A compensation for their short lifespans is baked into them in the form of an anxiousness when doing nothing. Always driven to be doing, working toward a goal, or learning a skill. Compliancy is an unnatural feeling, the idea of being so satisfied or comfortable in your life you want to simply relax causes tension between them and other cultures. Even with clans who stay within their @Seed Groves, there is a constant intensity to improve the quality of the groves to ensure its future.    

[Biological Traits

Being on the smaller side of 5ft, the Daru are humanoid with a pair of wings capable of flight on their backs. They are very light for their size and are covered in long feathers which molt into colors in accordance to the environment they inhabit. Large eyes fill their heads and range from bright yellow to deep reds. Daru sport beaks that are as sharp as their talons and claws. Not really sharp enough to be used as a standard weapon, they are useful enough in place of carving or cutting tools for simple crafting. They need to be periodically ground down so they can stay manageable however as they do not stop growing throughout a Daru's lifetime. As they reach their last couple decade they begin to molt more frequently and their bones become increasingly brittle. The last decade of their lives, few can fly anymore and adopt a ground born life.   They reproduce normally for avians, with female typically watching over the eggs until they hatch 3-4 weeks later. 1-4 eggs are laid at a time and need constant care in the form of warmth and daily sunbathing for strong growth. After hatching Daru children grow quickly. In the first year after birth they can walk and talk proficiently. At 2 they are taught how to fly. They reach maturity at age 5 and are fully formed and functioning adults.   Daru prefer thick vegetation found in forests and jungles, as well as its accompanying warmer weather. Though survivable, colder weather makes their bones and joints ache severally because of their bony frames and lack of insulating fat to protect them. Their feather colors also dull in response to the cold, slowly turning to whites and light greys.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Prime Clan: (Kai Snelerk/Snow Wing)   Prime: A simple name adhering to common Afrikaans.   Clan: A descriptor of where the clan calls home or about the clan. English words translated to Afrikaans then combined   Prime Names are given by the parents of the child. They don't have any real traditional special meaning, though it is common practice to give a newborn nest names that are similar to one another.   Clan Names are taken based on the clan one grew up in and is kept throughout life. All Daru cultures however do have rules where ones clan name can be take from them. Given a sufficient crime, breaking of ideals, or blasphemy. Regardless, any awakened beast reason for your clan name to be taken from you always is accompanied by banishment.  

Example Names (First-Second Family)

  Females Names
  • Behati Snelerk/Snow Wing
  • Ella Smaragbos/Emerald Grove
  • Susara Sonveer/Sun Feather
  • Kiara Skeermes/Razor Talon
  • Amelia Versteek/Hidden Lilly
Male Names
  • Jengo Baskrygers/Bark Warriors
  • Hanru Wakkerdier/Awakened Beast
  • Stiaan Slangdoek/Snakekin
  • Kian Gouevlerk/Golden Wing
  • Lemae Heiligeveer/Holy Feather

Gender Ideals

There are very straightforward and separate roles for the men and women within traditional Daru views. The men are the ones who are charged with protecting the territories, mastering the arcane arts, maintaining tradition, and cooking for the tribe. The women are the ones who hunt, gather, maintain settlements and raise the children. Though not opposed to other cultures' ways, many Daru don't understand why people take time to complicate something that can be binary and will often assume one's role based on their gender unless otherwise told. Daru also don't maintain long-term romantic commitments, with relationships lasting only 5-7 years and usually only for procreation. When spring rolls around, women do their best to be as colorful as possible with feather decorations. All while showing off and working their hardest in their tasks. During this time the men will approach the women they are interested in and pluck at their feathers. If the woman plucks the men's feathers in return then they are "nestbound". Being considered a couple and live with each other until their children leave home. After which they are considered unattached.

Common Etiquette Rules

  • Greeting between Garuda is a forearm shake moving into an embrace if you know them
  • It is a sign of trust to shoulder your bow over your wing when it someone's presence
  • Not to roost/sit until invited

Common Taboos

  • Do not speak of Daru traditions
  • Do not speak of the Seed Groves
  • Rastil is our creator and you should not worship anyone but him.
  • Tradition is not to be disregarded

Racial Traits

  Ability Score Increases: You gain 2 to your Dexterity score.   Size: Medium   Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft, Your base flying speed 50ft   Flying Weight: You cannot wear heavy armor, a shield, or armor wearing over 20lbs while flying.   Natural Lightning: You are Resistant to Lightning damage and can add 1d6 + Proficiency of Lightning damage to your weapon damage as a Bonus Action.   Eagle Eye: You have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while you're 30ft in the air.   Default Language
Northern Reevnic
5 - 65 years
Average Height
4' 6" - 5' 5''
Average Weight
80-100 lbs
Average Length
Wingspan: 7-9ft
