Ruusan Reformation Calendar Standard

Wookieepedia has a stub about the Ruusan Reformation calendar, and that leads to a fun research rabbit hole if you're interested!

Holopedia Galactica entry:


While no single form of time-tracking can truly be called a "majority use model" across the entire Galaxy, during the Republic Era it was common for libraries, archives, and multi-sector databanks to use the Ruusan Reformation calendar as its comparison base.


Emperor Palpatine mandated the Galactic Imperial calendar throughout his rule. Emperor Alexander Kane continued it, but relaxed the penalties on major institutions that used the Ruusan Reformation standard in everyday-use documentation. Empress Jenna I, current ruler of the Galactic Star Empire, has graciously returned to the Ruusan Reformation as the first date given on official government documents with the Galactic Imperial date listed immediately under it.



1008:01:15 RR
— example of Ruusan Reformation dating
  • (optional: +|- when dealing with dates more than a millenium ago) Y:MM:DD RR
  • YYYY is the numerical value of the year, which may be anything from one to seven digits in some ancient historical databanks.
  • MM is the numerical value of the month. Local calendars will get translated by the Astrocartographical History Division of various Great Libraries to project a correlation to Coruscanti Standard month and day.
  • DD is the numerical value of the day. Local calendars will get translated by the Astrocartographical History Division of various Great Libraries to project a correlation to Coruscanti Standard month and day. Note that intercalary days are added at the end of the prior month's standard 35 days.


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