Healthcare Companion and Field Medic Droid Species in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Healthcare Companion and Field Medic Droid

The Healthcare Companion and Field Medic Droid (HCFM) is a type of SRO from an unknown manufacturer that resides in Wild Space or beyond the Hyperspace Vent in another galaxy. Scans of the design place it as a similar type model to the GH series of Medical Analysis unit from Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company with substantial differences in the chassis. Most notable is that this droid species utilized a pliable endoskeleton and an inflatable exterior.


The HCFM is designed to perform diagnosis, patient caregiving, and surgical assistance duties. It can wirelessly connect to medical systems or even other medical droids. Despite the inflatable exterior - which is durable under daily circumstances against puncture - it also makes for an effective field medic. For the latter, the droid requires an exterior shell or combat armor to prevent rupture of its 'skin'.


Physical Description


The HCFM uses an inflatable body system that surrounds a carbon-fiber endoskeleton that contains the main droid brain and other tools. The 'body' is a tear-resistant vinyl that can stretch and shape to a great extent. But the vinyl is not proof or defense in a full combat situation. It is easily damaged, but also easily repaired as well.


As for the endoskeleton, it is strong and pliable. This allows for a great amount of strength for lifting and other activities. But because the skeleton is collapsible due to the nanoelectronics used inside, it isn't highly durable against direct physical or energy attacks.


When necessary, the HCFM series can collapse into a 'Travel Mode', which is a slightly thick 10 cm disk. In this mode, the collapsed droid is fully protected but cannot interact save for communications only.

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