HCFM1 Ethnicity in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


The HCFM1 is the first of its kind in the known galaxy as reports indicate others of its 'species' of droid exist either in Wild Space or are extra-galactic. As such this series is very rare if not unique due to the difficulty in remaking the nanoelectronics.  


  All HCFM1, even if their programming has been altered, contain the same base coding 'personality values'. These tend to be unalterable despite how many other droid software layers are added.   Those values are:  
  • To Enhance is Good.
  • To Aid Others is Best.


  HCFM1, due to their nature as a medical droid, tend to be extremely polite. They will move as quickly as they can in an emergency but if a patient is able to respond, the HCFM1s consider it 'just only polite' to ask permission before giving any sort of treatment. Of course, if the patient is unable to respond, then their ettiquette dictates they treat first, then apologize later.


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