Cestea Geographic Location in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


Word is that if there’s a dark corner of the galaxy, Cestea’s right in the middle.
Jangir Toth, bounty hunter
Cestea is a dark, gray world in a system by the same name deep inside the Necron Nebula of the Unknown Regions. It, and its system, are in the mid-sector region of the Necron Nebula and, in fact, the Unknown Regions itself. An area far from the current well-known and used trade routes and hyperlanes elsewhere in the known galaxy. But it isn't a lone rock and contains its own surprises.
The world boasts thriving societies, rich with culture. While a rocky world, it has its own rich ecosystem with flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the galaxy, from strange burrowing creatures, underground forests, and even floating mountain-islands. Cestea is almost unknown, but it could be said that it has affected the galaxy almost more than any other, only just in secret.
At present, the world and its system have found itself connected to the greater galaxy by means of the strange Hyperspace Rift or ‘Warp’ in orbit around Chalcedon. The hyperspace-realspace wormhole of the Rift connects to Cestea for reasons no one understands. But while this connection starts in the Outer Rim, travel to Cestea defies known hyperspace travel, taking mere seconds. Yet another mystery around a world of secrets.

Planet of Mystery

The world of Cestea is both a planet, but not at the same time. In reality, Cestea is believed to be an artificial world. A rogue planet that came to this solar system from another galaxy by means no one understands. For the few outsiders that know the planet, the current theory is that the rogue planet was captured and pulled across hyperspace to the system by one of the Necron Nebula’s sector wide gravimetric storms.
Despite its origin, and even its blasted appearance with blue-gray rocky landscape, the world is littered with abandoned cities and ruins that span entire coastlines. Skylines that rival even Coruscant, only most lie dark and unused for thousands of years. Those that aren’t dark and thick with local predators are the home to the Cestean people. Like the world they now call home, they are also refugees from another place that may be another galaxy. Though, any surviving records are sketchy at best, and the Cesteans aren’t eager to discuss a mysterious civil war that drove them to find a new home.
Ruined desert world with purple atmosphere by CB Ash
Alternative Name(s)
Nightarch, Riftworld
Location under


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