Imperial Intelligence Organization in Star Wars: Galaxy Without Hope | World Anvil

Imperial Intelligence

Imperial Intelligence, also known as Military Intelligence (MI) or Imperial Military Intelligence, was an espionage organization of the Galactic Empire that provided services on their own accord and also fed resources to the other Imperial Military branches, the Joint Chiefs, and Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Imperial Intelligence was organized out of five Galactic Republic intelligence agencies, one of those was Republic Intelligence. The agency orchestrated the Senatorial arrests and played a big role in the intelligence gathering during the Berch Teller campaign. It had oversight of the operations of the Naval Intelligence Agency which was briefly made its own separate organization before being folded back under Imperial Intelligence. MI had weapons development oversight of Advanced Weapons Research. Director Orson Callan Krennic, the leader of the secretive department was a member of Imperial Intelligence. Whilst a member of Military Intelligence, Krennic used every tool at his disposal to find Galen Walton Erso. In 4 BBY, Tseebo, an agent of the MI affiliated Imperial Information Office, fled with confidential data. The Rodian escaped from Lothal into hiding with the help of the Spectres rebel cell. Later on, IIO Controller LT-319 and the personnel of his IGV-55 surveillance vessel embarked on an mission to hijack the Spectres' C1-series astromech droid Chopper and use him to obtain intelligence on the Phoenix Cell's hidden base. However, they were defeated by Chopper's rebel allies and the former Imperial RA-7 protocol droid AP-5. In roughly 1 BBY, a squad of death troopers were tasked with guarding a kyber crystal being transported aboard a freighter to the Tonnis sector for Project Stardust. Death troopers led by Director Krennic executed several scientists to punish their team leader Galen Walton Erso for conspiring with enemies of the Galactic Empire. Furthermore, death troopers participated in the battle of Scarif and the battle for Tatooine during the Galactic Civil War.
Military, Intelligence
Alternative Names
Military Intelligence
Parent Organization


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