The Genesis Children Species in Star Tiger | World Anvil

The Genesis Children

Adams and Evas

As seen in
The genetically constructed children of The Genesis Project. Basically human, but modified as a embryo and tweaked throughout their entire childhood to serve their intented purpose:
They are created to serve the Motherland's cosmic exploration and colonization efforts, which requires them to be resistance to more extreme conditions (weather, temperature, gravity etc.) than their human counterpart, while still being sensitive enough to understand and compare these conditions' severity in relation to normal human physiology.

Basic Information


They appear as human as human can be, though perhaps too human, in some regards. An unnaturally perfect skin, an eerie combination of traits perceived as the pinnacle of human beauty.
A curious bi-product of their enhanced resistance to radiation is their reaction to it, where their bodies start to glow as they are exposed to radiation. This light fades over time, and doesn't seem to leave any lingering side-effects. The cause of the bioluminescence has not been found. Either the radiation or the processing of it gives the child a pleasant feeling of warmt, which might prove addictive.

Biological Traits

The Genesis Children are a uniform type of modified humans.
They appear human and work like humans, but have small tweaks to improve them from the basic human stock:
All of their organs are at peak health for human capacity.
Their muscles are tweaked to gain strength a little faster and especially retain strength in times of inactivity.
Their bodies are designed to mitigate radiation, however during this process their bodies start glowing.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

These modified humans are uniquely designed for the purpose defined by The Genesis Project. This is their only intended purpose.

Facial characteristics

They are all modified to appear close to human beauty standards - eerily so even.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

This specific brand of modified human is only made in limited numbers on the planet of Moryana.

Average Intelligence

Higher than average human stock due to the strict donor screening

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All natural senses are slightly enhanced, as well as hand-to-eye coordination.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The names of the Adams and Evas are chosen virtues of their homeland, as a reminder to the people of their cultural and historical significance.

Major Organizations

The Genesis Children are a product of The Genesis Project and are as such directly under The Institute of Cosmic Endeavours, should the Institute feel a need to take personal control. As a Genesis Couple finishes their settlement mission, they are theoretically free until an Ark Ship arrives, carrying repressentatives from the Homeworld who will become the leading organization of the settlement, which the Genesis Couple will now work for.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Genesis Childrens' first language is moryan, which is a language with roots in scandinavian, english and russian. As such they have also been mentored in all of these languages.
During their upbringing, they have created their own simple "secret language", that only they speak.

Common Dress Code

In all promotional material to the Public, the Genesis Children have worn some kind of uniforms. These are actual uniforms they have been wearing throughout their childhood. It has gone through some phases, but it resembles a military uniform mixed with a school uniform. As they are prepared for zero gravity and space missions, they are also trained in a top-of-the-line tight fit vaccsuit, specially designed for them.
Their hair is uniform with short, slick hair for the boys and a dutch braid for the girls, but as result of a teenage rebelion some liberty has been given when it comes to hairstyle.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

As meant to colonize on behalf of the Moryan people, the Children have been brought up with quite a focus on Moryan culture. They are, after all, expected to teach the new settlements about the proud culture and history of Moryana, of which they are an extension.

Common Myths and Legends

As a planet wide promoted and propagandized designed group of explorers, only seen on posters and other promotional material, but isolated from the Moryan public, rumors tend to run rampant. To kids they are often seen as superheroes, imagining them to have all sorts of powers. To some they are assumed to be androids or spies.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As other sophonts (sentient beings) were unknown to the Moryan people, they could not have prepared them for any known species, only the theoretical idea that some could be present.
The Genesis Children are taught that, in case the only habitable planet they can find, is inhabited by sentient beings, they are to assess whether this species could be ignored or charmed to not pose a threat on the Settlement and whether they would have to be culled or assimilated at a later point.
If the indigenous species proves too organized or dangerous, leaving the planet and searching on is adviced.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Genesis
130 assumably
Average Physique
The Genesis Children appear as healthy, athleticly build humans.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin comes in natural tones based on the donor, but their skin is spotless - no birthmarks or defects of any kind.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities
I made this world because my mind keeps rambling, and instead of stopping it, I'm riding the wave.
It started with a picture in my mind of a tiger man in a small spacecraft following a giant tiger in space, in the tone of old saturday morning cartoons and the Heavy Metal animated movie.
Then came the idea of his occational ally, a woman in space flying a small asteroid. The more I wrote on her, the more I got intrigued by the past, I deviced.
Right now the flow is focused on her background - namely all related to The Genesis Project.
I do all of the writing and almost all of the drawing myself at this point.
My hope for Star Tiger is a published story or a graphical novel, but my big dream is an animated show.

Articles under The Genesis Children

Cover image: by Doodles Most Foul