Argyre First Settlement Settlement in Star Tiger | World Anvil

Argyre First Settlement

A very new settlement on a warm, rocky planet. It was established by Unity and Victory on behalf of the planet of Moryana, as part of The Genesis Project. The only two adult inhabitants are Unity and Victory, who are training the first children grown from embryos, called the First Settlers.


As invisioned by The Genesis Project, at this early stage, The Adam and Eve couple have full power, until either the First Settlers is all grown up or an Ark Ship arrives.
Founding Date
17/6/491 AL
Alternative Name(s)
The Silver Moon
Outpost / Base
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
I made this world because my mind keeps rambling, and instead of stopping it, I'm riding the wave.
It started with a picture in my mind of a tiger man in a small spacecraft following a giant tiger in space, in the tone of old saturday morning cartoons and the Heavy Metal animated movie.
Then came the idea of his occational ally, a woman in space flying a small asteroid. The more I wrote on her, the more I got intrigued by the past, I deviced.
Right now the flow is focused on her background - namely all related to The Genesis Project.
I do all of the writing and almost all of the drawing myself at this point.
My hope for Star Tiger is a published story or a graphical novel, but my big dream is an animated show.

Cover image: Star Tiger Logo #1 by Hassel