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Class A

Class A is made of the Academy's creme de la creme, only the most brilliant and powerful young heroes are selected for of this class. As such this class is heavily monitored by the Nations United through their tutor Big Brother.



  • Big Brother
  • World Class


    William Wilt is the son of two of the most powerful heroes in the Globe Guardians, Saturn and Venus. William has manifested his occurrence since a very early age, being capable of lifting trucks and flying at supersonic speed before hitting puberty and became an active superhero at the age of 14.   Since his debut William made short work of most of the World's renowned villains and positioned himself as one of Earth’s mightiest heroes. In 2016 his parents left for space to fight against the Galactic Empire in response to the invasion of earth that same year. During this invasion, World Class fought the Nyzans by himself, against the orders of the Globe Guardians who had assigned him to support the evacuation of New York, rather than directly engage in combat. He was captured and later rescued by the Ramparts.   After the invasion, World Class remained in Earth under the guardianship of Glory, the leader of the Ramparts and his rescuer during the invasion. He enrolled in the Morrison School in accordance to his parents orders to continue his training until his parents return.


    Powers and Abilities

    World Class shares his parents alien biology which grant him the ability to fly, super strength, endurance and speed, as well as other less conventional abilities such as the ability to breathe liquid nitrogen and shoot lasers from his eyes.



    A tall muscular kid, looks way older than he is. He uses an orange over yellow suit (his parents colors) with a red cape.




    World Class is an altruistic, confident and very proactive fellow, while he’s a bit shaken after his fuck up during the invasion he’s still confident in his ability as the strongest member of the class and fully embraces the role of number 1 in the school. He’ll be belligerent towards the players since he refuses to accept them as peers and wants to hound them out of the school, for their own good.   World Class is a pianist and an avid fan of the Raiders, he’ll tend to escape school during games, particularly for the Superbowl. He hates video games and believes their players to be gigantic losers. He enjoys chess because is the only sport he could play against other kids, unfortunately he’s not very good at chess and he’s really stubborn about winning.

  • Automata



    Aissa Adi aka Automata was a superhero based in Seattle in 2014. She did a brief stint as a crime fighter only to retire later that year to redesign and perfect her mech suit. Since then Automata has been travelling the West Coast of the US attending conventions and spying tech companies as to improve on her suit’s design. In 2016 she’s invited to become part of the Morrison Academy experiment by Randall Tran.


    Powers and Abilities


    Adi has a superhuman level of intellect, knowledge of mechanics and electronic devices as well as a large array of weapons she designed and implemented in her iconic battlesuit.



    To do  



    Peppy curious girl, she’s always one step ahead of the world which is almost never a good thing. Automata doesn’t have a lot of interests, she masters skills far too fast for them to become hobbies, her attention span is tiny but it can handle a ludicrous amount of tasks, none of which actually require a lot of her attention so she’s all over the place but everywhere at once. Automata loves to push things just to see what happens, hoping to be surprised; she’s an inciter and will always prefer to play a passive role, observing and cheering for her favorite side to win. For the same reason she loves hanging around people but tends to be neglectful to her friends.

  • Paradox


    Amanda Castañeda is the daughter of Emilio Castañeda, a wealthy Tycoon based in Monterrey city and head of the Castañeda Group, a conglomerate of pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies. Since manifesting her powers at 12, Amanda has been separated from her family, her father sending her away, first to an specialized institution in the US and later on to the Morrison Academy.   Under threat of lawsuit we must paste the following disclaimer:  Emilio Castañeda claims that neither he nor any other member of the Castañeda group nor his immediate or extended family possess any Occurrence of the Singularity and that any reporting to the contrary will be considered slanderous and pursued to the full extent of the law.

    Powers and Abilities


    Paradox has the ability to freeze objects and people in a limited area inside a time bubble with minimal effort. Objects inside of her Bubble can be accelerated to near light speed by having Paradox touch them.



    Paradox is overconfident and condescending in the field but a slow learner and a bit dim witted on her feet, she’s a bit of a follower who likes to stay just far behind enough the lead that she could theoretically take the lead, if she wanted to.

  • Phantom


    Deborah Padilla was a member of the Seven Circles, she was kidnapped and enlisted by the second circle in 2012, after her powers were discovered.   Deborah worked as an spy and assassin for the Seven Circles as well as a point of communication between the Circles and the people on their payroll.   Deborah was captured by The Ramparts after a botched operation in the USA but was put in the custody of the Mexican government under the condition of her being integrated into the Morrison School project.

    Powers and Abilities

    Phantom has the ability to transform into an insubstantial form. While transformed Phantom can become invisible, fly, has telekinesis and cannot be harmed by most attacks.



    Deborah is weird, she’s distracted and aloof although she always seems pay just enough attention to activate her powers in time. Deborah is always preoccupied in her own mind with some unfathomable thoughts.


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