
Runberi cities across the coast follow the same basic pattern of governance. The assembly elects the emir or sheikh who serves as the chief executive of the settlement. This executive, though powerful in their own right, serves at the pleasure of the assembly, and at least in theory serves as the executor of their collective will.


The assemblies consist of councilors, who cast their votes on how the affairs of the city should be managed. These councilors are typically the heads of the wealthiest families in the city.


Becoming a councilor, for those who fulfill the requirements, is automatic. In most Runberi cities, the constitution, when written out, states that the city assembly is composed of all those citizens who fulfill certain requirements. Typically, the requirements are that the councilor be a citizen of the city, a master of their house, and possess some defined level of importance and wealth. In the great cities this might mean that they must own a ship, while in the smaller tributary settlements wealth requirements tend to be lower. Often there is also an explicit requirement of Runberi heritage, Nuwan faith, and "good character", a clause mainly used to exclude individuals who have made enemies of a great majority of councilors before their ascent.


Though joining the assembly is not optional for those who would be called upon to do so, few would complain. Membership in the assembly means having a voice in the affairs of the city and being a peer to the other influential citizens of the city. Though coming with duties and responsibilities as well, few Runberi magnates would willingly lock themselves out of the affairs of their home city.


Councilors are expected to show up to votes and attend debates, usually monthly or fortnightly in the local assembly. They may assign a deputy from their house to vote on their behalf, but doing this often tends to be viewed poorly by the other councilors. The councilors are also expected to contribute the resources of their house in various ways to the city, especially in times of crisis. The assemblies of the great cities hold the power to compel their own councilors to provide their ships for war, if such a thing would be needed. More mundanely, councilors are expected to fund city expenses (though they also levy taxes on the common folk). Of course, as the assembly itself sets the rates and contributions, they are rarely too onerous.


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Jul 5, 2023 23:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the 'good character' clause. :D Nice loophole.