Spartoi Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Spartoi are one of the more advanced necromantic creations. Built on the principles of the humble skeleton, spartoi are imbued with a necromantic intelligence. This allows them to more effectively understand commands and the context in which they are given.   Spartoi are truly sapient beings and some necromancers bind them tightly to their own will to prevent any rebellious thoughts from forming. Other necromancers accept that some of their creations will eventually leave their employ and see it as a natural consequence of creating necromantic life. Spartoi inherent nothing from the body they inheret except their physique.   Spartoi excel in combat, with their extreme toughness and quick wits. Many serve as bodyguards and protectors, as not all necromancers have had time to master the arts of self-defence. Like common skeletons, the magic that binds them can reassemble their bones if not too damaged, giving them great staying power in conflict. Like skeletons, they can imbue broken arms with new purpose and can fight effeciently with the junkiest of equipment.

Basic Information


Spartoi look like they did in life, minus any flesh or skin. This simplicity allows the magic that animates them to pull lost fragments of bone back into place, swiftly repairing them unless thouroughly demolished. The distinct clacking of bone against bone means one can always hear them coming. The magic that animates a spartoi is incredibly stable and quite hard to alter. As a result, spartoi have an inherent resistance to anything that would change their form.

Ecology and Habitats

Spartoi apear anywhere where the necromantic arts are advanced enough.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Spartoi do not eat

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Spartoi are usually created by necromancers to serve as highly skilled soldiers or labour. Their intelligence allows them to understand complex orders and operate according to long-term strategies, even taking initiative to exploit oppertunities.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Spartoi are an uncommon creation, but found in any sphere where necromancy is sufficiently advanced

Average Intelligence

Spartoi are created with an intelligence that is roughly equivelant to your average human, with simplistic personalities. They are, however, created to be keenly observant and to quickly parse information they receive.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Spartoi sense the world around them through the magic that animates them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Spartoi are usually given some sort of name or designation by their creator. Some end up taking names of their own, for example if their creator dies or they otherwise strike out on their own.
Scientific Name
Sapiens Ossa
Spartoi do not age
Average Height
Varies depending on original species, but the average spartoi is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Weight
Varies depending on original species, but the average spartoi weighs somewhere between 25 to 175 kilo
Average Length
Varies depending on original species, but the average spartoi is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Physique
Spartoi are considerably stronger and faster that your average human. The magic that binds them together is incredibly tought and allows the spartoi to remain standing even after taking a punch from a giant.


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