Skeleton Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Skeletons are a common creation of the necromantically inclined. Simple dark magic is woven into the bones of a subject, imbuing it with basic autonamy and a simple mind that can understand most common orders. They are, in this sense, quite basic and most necromancers can be expected to have a small retinue of these serving their needs.   Skeletons demonstrate a strange affinity for rusted or broken equipment. In their hands, a shattered blade and some broken armour works just as fine as if it was completely new. The very magic that imbues the skeleton with its unlife also affects their gear, in a sense, restoring them too. For this reason, skeletons are quite economical. They are, however, exceedingly poor at stealth, as they move with a distinct and notable clacking sound.   They do not excel at combat, often relying more on numbers. The simplistic nature of their creation gives them some staying power, as the magic fuses shattered bones together again.

Basic Information


Skeletons look like they did in life, minus any flesh or skin. This simplicity allows the magic that animates them to pull lost fragments of bone back into place, swiftly repairing them unless thouroughly demolished. The distinct clacking of bone against bone means one can always hear them coming.

Genetics and Reproduction

Skeletons do not reproduce.

Ecology and Habitats

Skeletons appear wherever necromancy is practised.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Skeletons do not eat

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Skeletons are often used as menial labour in areas where necromancy is practiced. As bones are relatively easy to keep clean, they often see use as servants within the household.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Skeletons are common wherever necromancy is practiced.

Average Intelligence

Skeletons are mindless and obey the orders of their creator to the best of their ability. Commands should be worded with some care, as they have no understanding of nuance.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Skeletons see and hear through magic.
Scientific Name
Ambulans Ossa
Skeletons do not age
Average Height
Varies depending on original species, but the average skeleton is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Weight
Varies depending on original species, but the average skeleton weighs somewhere between 25 to 175 kilo
Average Length
Varies depending on original species, but the average skeleton is somewhere in the 1.2 to 2.4 meter range.
Average Physique
Skeletons are just above human averages, empowered by magis as they are. Beyond that, they are very average.


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