Bog Wraith Species in Spheres | World Anvil
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Bog Wraith

Swamps are often deadly, diseased, competetive places, where life feasts upon life. With so much vitality being cut short, it's no wonder that such areas can give rise to wraiths. Bog wraits draw a lot of their power from the terrain itself, shaping mud and muck to ensnare prey. If prey becomes scarce, they will often seek to spread the swamp to new areas, engulfing ever more life into it. This can and has brought them into conflicts with others, ranging from druids to land owners.   Bog wraiths are not among the most intelligent of wraiths on average, but do posess an animalistic cunning, enough to lay simple traps and ambushes. This is how they primarily hunt, but should an intial attack not be enough, they will often brute force their target into submission by ripping the life from them. Should prey escape, they will track them, expecting their debilitating touch to leave their target even weaker for their next encounter.

Basic Information


Bog wraiths are semi-tangible masses of life energy, usually of a brown, dark-green or otherwise swampy colour. Like other waiths, they are only partially real and only partially affced by physical things. They often take shapes that are reminiscent of swamp animals, but can change whenever they want.   Feasting on the life of swamp dwellers give bog wraiths some unique abilities. Their essence infuses any swampland around them, turningm ud and muck into glue-like traps, which they use to ensnare preys. Their touch not only leeches life from their target, it also brings blood to the surface, as if one has been bitten by a leech. And they carry in them a diabolic pestilence called swamp fever, which they can spread to thoset hey harm. Thus, should their prey escape, they can be more easily hunted down later.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bog wraiths come about under one of two circumstances. They are either born spontaneously when enough life has been spilt in a swampy area, or calve off from an older wraith who has engorged itself on the life energy of swamp dwelling lifeforms.

Growth Rate & Stages

Bog wraiths grow depending on their success as a hunter. Succesful bog wraiths grow large very fast.

Ecology and Habitats

Bog wraiths are most at home in swamplands, which their inherent magical powers are suited to manipulate. They tend to deplete the area of life and swamps haunted by bog wraiths are quiet places filled with decay.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bog wraiths feed on life energy, sucking it out of anything they can catch. They tend to gorge themselves on anything they find.


Bog wraiths have little in the form of natural predators. When coming across anything, bog wraiths usually either attack if it's alive or ignore it if not.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Bog wraiths do not tend to get along. Whenever one splits from gorging on life, they tend to seperate quickly, lest one decides toclaim the vigor of the other.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bog wraiths are one of the more common types of wraiths and are thus found on several spheres.

Average Intelligence

As they mostly feed on swamp animals, most bog wraiths are animalistic and simple-minded. There are exceptions, whose personalities tend to be underhanded and predatory.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like other wraiths, bog wraiths perceive the world through fluctuations of life.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bog wraiths, if they do decide on a name, often choose descriptive ones. Many have also been named by others, especially if they build up enough infamy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Perdita Palude Vita
Does not age
Average Weight
2-10 kilo
Average Length
1.3 - 2.2 meters long


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