Angel Species in Sphaera | World Anvil


This article exists in the context of the Astral Era, after Sphaeran civilization's ascendancy to the interstellar level. Before approximately 3000 SR, Sphaeran civilization would not have known this information.
Angels are a ruthless species of insectoid beings from an unknown homeworld, who conquered the fourth galactic quadrant from Venusian control and caused the Collapse of Venusian civilization on Sphaera eons ago. They have several different castes, each with a different morphology and function. A hive of angels is overseen by a queen-like angel, called an Elohim.  





Cherubim are the lowest caste of Angel, being volant octopodal insectoids from an unknown homeworld. While Cherubim only have a single pair of immense wings, they also have two pairs of dexterous arms with which they manipulate the world around them and a pair of legs to ambulate terrestrially.


Seraphim are the mid-level caste of Angel, being permanently-volant octopodal insectoids from an unknown homeworld. Kept aloft virtually their entire lives by their six immense wings, Seraphim also have a pair of dexterous arms with which they manipulate the world around them.


Ophanim are the highest caste below Elohim, being permanently-volant octopodal insectoids from an unknown homeworld. Kept aloft virtually their entire lives by their eight immense wings, the Ophanim have just one physical manipulator: their prehensile tail. However, they also make frequent use of magus.
Scientific Name
Extrasphaeric phylogeny
Sapience type
hemifocal quasi-collective
Planet of origin


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