Zelvan Species in Special Agent | World Anvil


Basic Information


Zelvans are a bipedal avian species, their arms end in four clawed fingers, one of which is the equivalent of a thumb. Their body is covered with feathers and their legs end in feet which have four appendages ending in claws. These legs also naturally form a slight outward angle, this is counterbalanced by two slender tails that end in feathers pointing outward, allowing them to balance their naturally tilted forward body. Their slim and slender body allows them to possess much greater agility than most humans. Their head is covered with shorter feathers of varying colors, three feathers extending from the back of their head to detach from it and point outwards.

Their keen eyes are placed at the end of their thin beaks, these eyes are placed in opposition on their head because of the size of the head, the height of it being much greater than its width. Above all this, a region without feathers and covered with a thicker very rigid skin of varying color depending on the individual. To adapt to the carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere of their home planet, the zelvans have a respiratory system which is designed to absorb less oxygen than humans. Their body is also adapted to the gravity of their home planet which is equivalent to approximately 90% of that of Earth which can cause internal damage after exposure to higher gravity after several years.

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduction of zelvans is quite similar to humans in the first two phases. Indeed, after mating as well as fertilization which is done by genitals similar to humans. Pregnancy then lasts about six months before childbirth takes place. The major difference being that Zelvans are an ovoviviparous species, instead of the uterus it is an egg that develops in the female's body. This egg, after growing for six months, hatches in the female's body and the fetus is then expelled and the baby is born.

Growth Rate & Stages

The first phase of growth takes place between the first and fourth year, the newborn is then considered to be in pre-infancy. Childhood takes place from the fifth to the eighteenth year, adolescence from the nineteenth to the twenty-third and finally adulthood, which begins at twenty-four years. Zelvans naturally reach their peak of growth around their fortieth year and this is after their bodies slowly wither to their natural lifespan of around sixty years. However, like humans, with new technology, they have managed to increase this life expectancy to 186 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Zelvans are native to the savannas located on the edges of the great inland seas of the continent Asabaru on Aahli where they were the base of scavengers. They are naturally accustomed to a hot, dry climate with little water available to them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Zelvans are omnivorous but have a preference for dry meat, they also take plants or agricultural products, but in much smaller numbers. Agriculture being difficult on their world of origin, they developed it later. Even if they experienced a phenomenal boom during the invention of irrigation which very quickly became widespread, this late development has left its mark on their diet. This gives a predominant place to the dried meat as well as rancid to the taste, since they were at the origin of the predators finding the leftover meat to eat, even though they are increasingly starting to hunt for fresh meat when large groups have formed.

Biological Cycle

Zelvans have a very divided day and night cycle, most activities cease altogether at night even if modern lighting allows them to keep some. However, their body enters a phase of short hibernation preventing it from functioning fully to its full potential. Blame it on their membranes over their eyes cutting off much of the light at night.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The zelvans have a particular societal organization, their society is in fact divided into ten castes which are important for a variety of things in zelvan society including early childhood education, some day-to-day services, funding for housing construction, and much of the community and cultural life in Zelvan towns. Therefore, the members pay a small part, of course this is regulated by the government to avoid abuse, of their salary so that the organization attached to the caste can provide for these needs. The more fortunate castes are also taxed by the government to redistribute to those less wealthy to reduce inequalities, precisely since the zelvan society has automated itself in many areas, the government must also pay a guaranteed income to citizens who do not work, which makes the latter globally egalitarian.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The zelvans are almost entirely concentrated in the space of the Zelvan Council since only the planets of this one can support this species. Small diasporas are also present in the capitals of other nations, these are the diplomatic staff of the Zelvan Council.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Zelvans are recognized across the galaxy for their keen eyesight which is the result of their adaptation to the very strong light on their home planet. Their eyes are covered with a membrane that gives them natural sunglasses, the light that is reflected from the sand of the planet is cut by these membranes. Their vision is however almost zero at night because they do not manage to capture the little light present because of their membranes. They are also extremely agile due to their light skeleton, the lower gravity of their home planet allows this.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Zelvan names consist of a last name and first name which are separated by a two-letter prefix which can be defined by caste, region of origin or other parameters. For example, a very popular prefix is '' up '' which means '' prestige ''.

Major Organizations

The major organization of this species is the Zelvan Council whose capital is the home planet of zelvans, this organizations is the result of the expansion of zelvans in the galaxy since the discovery of the wormhole network. It is this organization that represents and defends the zelvan interests within the galaxy, it is also one of the galaxy's great powers which allows the zelvans to have a great influence on galactic geopolitics.

Average Technological Level

The zelvans is approximately on the same technological level as most other entities in the galaxy. Having developed several key technologies in the field of genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, nano-robotics as well as the mastery of supra-luminal travel. All these advances have made it possible to increase life expectancy, facilitate space transport and many other benefits for the population as well as the economy. However, the zelvan have an even longer life expectancy due to the fact that the zelvan have naturally a longer lifespan than humans. Also, the zelvans have a great passion for science and technology, which means that they have a slight technological lead in certain areas, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Zelvans have three major dialects, Esbani, Zuila and Yevina which are the three languages that are used by the government. The Esbani is however the most used and the most widespread, it is this one which is for example used by the armed forces.


The zelvans are native to the savannahs near the coasts of the Abarasu Inland Sea, originally flying predators hunting local herbivorous birds, they spread rapidly during their early history all around the Abarasu Sea. However, the gradual extinction due to an atmospheric change of this species will force the zelvans to migrate to land. Once on the ground, the zelvans will regroup in a group of hunters which will include several groups specialized in a task useful to the group. It is this organization that is primarily responsible for the caste system we know today that governs zelvan society. Developing increasingly effective hunting techniques and having to collaborate between different individuals to accomplish their goal, this made them develop sentience.

To expand their hunting territory, they began to colonize the coast more and more and quietly began to leave their native coast to go to other seas. After the discovery of fire and agriculture, they began to settle down and develop an omnivorous diet, but still predominantly carnivorous. Following this, their history followed a normal course with the discovery of more and more technologies, the development of complex societies, kingdoms and later countries which made the war until their planetary unification. From there, they will gradually expand into their home system with the discovery of their version of the Star Drive and in the galaxy following the construction of their first gate a little bit later.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Zelvans generally have good relations with most entities in the galaxy and have built a strong diplomatic network over the years through the Zelvan Council. However, their rise in power over the last two hundred years has tended to strain certain relationships, particularly with the most powerful states.
Scientific Name
Avaris Zelvanus
256 years
Average Height
2.1 - 2.5 meters
Average Weight
40 - 60 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Zelvans' bodies usually have light shades which reflect light to prevent their internal body temperature from getting too high.
Geographic Distribution


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