The Blue City

From the grounds of the planet, the empire ascends to see all.

Overview   The Blue City AKA The Blue Palace is the government seat of the Agilean Empires Government. It is located in the sky, traditionally around the capital megacity of Ilasea on Aglis though given its mobility it can foreseeably move to any location on the planet. It serves as a hub of their advancement and in a manner of speaking a projection of the power of the Empire and the Unity.    Founding:   The Blue City started as a district of Ilasea as the governments of the world of Aglis united under the Empire to found the Unity movement and ideology. Ilasea was perfect as a location of the new world government as it was often a center of trade and neutrality on the world stage before the world united. The blue City being located here meant that the new government would be neutral to all world states and would be a symbol of such in the coming years.    Breaking from Ilasea:   As Ilacea began growing exponentially over the years the Blue city increasingly became more enveloped by it until it was one district among many of the mega city. seeing this as a potential problem to growth of both cities Empress Ilith sought a measure to alleviate this problem for both cities. Constructing large plasma turbines she aimed to lift the city from its very foundations and into the air. Coupled with this she made much of the cities utilities self contained within before proceeding with one of the largest projects and PR moves of the time. On the 8th day of the 8th month the citiy 'broke its bonds' with the planet and ascended to the skies.     The move skyward was not however without problems. The now crater in the middle of Ilasea posed a large issue, quite literally. With the hole going kilometers deep it became a haven for many evading the law and a problem in terms of land erosion. For the blue city they needed a plan to also prevent erosion but in a different way. Floating a large rock into the sky leaves it vulnerable to wind erosion. but with further advancements many underground complexes arose within the city leading to some... healthy speculation from world residents. the ground of the city was soon enclosed by a large steel and later platinum semi sphere to prevent objects from falling from the city and to keep it intact.     Apex:   As the empire grew and even started its expansion into the stars the city grew in importance, many corporations and governmental divisions sprouted all over the floating city, brining new resources and minds to the heart of the government. This eventually grew into a full district of the sciences where the current council seat is to this day. The palace itself housing the many empresses over the centuries expanded to also house those of the council and in the coming days even to those that the empire has brought in as equals such as the Kambuchka. The city also was fitted to allow movement so those in Ilasea below are no longer kept in darkness.
Faction: Agilean Constitutional Empire
Location under


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