Orshuulgyn Gazar Geographic Location in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil

Orshuulgyn Gazar

Orshuulgyn Gazar is a binary star system of a 5 V Yellow-white Main Sequence star and its distance companion M4 V Red Dwarf. Almost a third partner is a particularly large gas giant, with countless moons and what could be considered to be a pair of small planets.   Orshuulgyn Gazar is an important part of the Kalasto  lifecycle: the end. The moons and planets are littered with the bones the space whales from time immemorial, the bones of space-native creatures incredibly durable and subject to little decay.   Unsurprisingly, this system is also inhabited by the Delkhiin . These ones dress and build their homes out of bleached whalebone shrouded in black with little ornamentation. Their numbers, and the size of their mounts, is considerably larger than those encountered before. They do not immediately attack or contact the expeditionary fleet, but look ready to fight.
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