Empress Yda Vas’Zosrei Character in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil

Empress Yda Vas’Zosrei (Yeedah Vahs Zoreh)

Yda the Star Seeker Yda Vas’Zosrei (a.k.a. Star Seeker)

Yda is the second empress in the Vas’Zosrei line. Her ascension came after her mother Juni Vas’Zosrei retired from rulership and passed command willingly to her daughter. Pressed with rather large shoes to fill so to speak; Juni was known as the Eressi Uniter, Yda set to work at retooling the empire and rethinking their policy on expansion into space. This lead to much more expansionist policy and stance overall.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life     Not much is known of Yda's early life as the empire often tries to keep the heirs to the throne a secret until they reach a certain age. Many heirs spend their early adult life living within the empire as a normal citizen to keep their perspective aligned with those that they serve and govern.   Reveal as the Heir   Yda's reveal as heir to the throne of the empire came with much fanfare as the public is left usually in the dark as to if there is an heir. Many had speculated that there might've been a succession crisis if Juni had died unexpectedly as the world was only freshly united at the time.


Rumors speculate that she was anything from a bartender in Ilasea to an actress with a small following.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Settler of nearly a dozen star systems.   Warbringer to the Delkhiin betrayers.   Brought an alliance and cooperative dual leadership of the empire with the Kambuchka Continuance



Yda is known to at times be a bit over formal but also charming in her own way. She will often try to get to know other leaders on a personal level to cooperate better.
Current Location
Year of Birth
9871 AF 129 Years old
Current Residence
The Blue City
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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