Causal Reconcilation Physical / Metaphysical Law in Spacial Tangent | World Anvil

Causal Reconcilation

Causal Reconiliation is a side effect of faster than light travel, especially Space Fold. Reconciliation Debt is the damage caused to spacetime by a ship moving through 4-dimensional space. Though not noticed by early explorers, more advanced civilizations with multiple Starliners must be wary of it.


Traveling via the Spatial Tangent violates causality, as it is a form of faster-than-light travel. When moving faster than light, the nature of spacetime and Relativity causes certain events to precede their causes, and makes possible paths where a ship arrives before it leaves. These violations are incompatible with space. The design of Akhaale drives, the most efficient ships known to exist, accounts for this damage by reconciliation, which can be seen as a glow similar to cherenkov radiation emitted from a ship moments after it arrives at its location. A ship generally disperses this "debt" when arriving at its destination. However, if too much "debt" is created, the ship can be destroyed upon arrival.


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