Republican Remnant Organization in Space Western | World Anvil

Republican Remnant

Having been lost for many years, isolated from the oppression of the Colonial Earth Empire , the Republican Remnant was founded with the original ideals in mind, before it was corrupted. They are a mostly functioning democracy, however as they have grown, so too has the crushing weight of banal bureaucracy that now spreads to all assets of republican life. Poisoining influences from wealthy guilds and ventures compete, eating out the hive of the democracy from inside. Meanwhile, influencers and radicals are bolstered on each side, both by the Colonial Earth Empire and the Union of Socialist Systems. The Red Sun Commonwealth, Terminus Systems and Pacifica at their borders make for dangerous neighbors.   Their strongest alliance is with the Musura Federation, though it is mainly a defensive relationship, coupled with an open trade agreement. Both governments interfere with one another, each stoking the flames of growing political movements from different angles.   And yet, the Republic perseveres, strengthened by its wealthy reserves of wealth and its talented population. The remnant sometimes leans a bit too heavily on their support from the Be'Teu Order to enforce their laws and keep the peace within the systems, and both have been balked at for not trying to help those oppressed on their borders, under the thrall of various corpo planets in the Great Expanse or in the throes of civil uprisings and war in Pacifica.


Membership to the Republican Remnant must be approved by the planet's populace seeking entry, and those within the Remnant are obligated to a modicum of rules enforced by the Republican Assembly, the legislative body of the government. These rules include the need for a democratic system, paying tithes to the central government in order to maintain security and inter-system infrastructure.      

Political Parties

The Remnant is primarily governed by the Republican Assembly, a senate of sorts with elected members of each planet. The Assembly is headed by a Vizier, who is elected by the body and is the face of the Republican executive branch. The Republic has a formed all manner of coalitions in the Assembly.
  • Renaissance: The Renaissance party is the mostly liberal democratic insution that makes up a majority of the Assembly and governmental body. They mostly are concerned with the continuation of the Republican status quo, and are slow to change their policy or party views. The vast majority of people have mostly adopted a pro-galaxy stance, seeking further negotiation with their neighbors, while maintaining their own distinct independence. Renaissance can absolutely be qualified as a "big tent" political entity, combining aspects of the other three major coalitions. 
  • Industrialists: The Industrialists are primarily concerned with the inclusion of powerful merchant guilds and corporations to gain a legitimate voice in the assembly. These are represented by planets like Mordana, whose local governments consist of oligopolies of corporate power. The Industrialists recieve outside support from the more capitalists groups, especially the Colonial Earth Empire, certain parties of the Musura Federation, and the oligarchs of the Red Sun Syndicates.
  • Unionists: The Unionists are the growing left-wing coalition of socialists, syndicalists, and worker's unions. They have a growing level support, especially from planets like Koen and Europa Prime, who have more democratic governing processes. They regularly have funds raised for them by interested parties in the Thondor Cooperative, the Union of Socialist Systems, and some of the unions and guilds in the Red Sun Syndicates.
  • Jury Party: The Jury Party are an increasing power of isolationists and reactionary groups within the Republic. They are increasingly becoming wary of their local nation being used as a political battleground. The constant fighting on their borders are giving rise to an increasing amount of militarists. Their votes are usually torn between both parties, and they usually vote in favor of more consolidation under a singular government. It is rumored that the Jury Party is stock piliing weapons smuggled into the republic. It is rumored they are funded by Fourth Columnists in the empire, like the House of Steel.
  The Republican Remnant has a very small standing military, and mostly relies on the local systems and their militias to defend their territories. This has led to the over-militarized fringe nations, especially those bordering Pacifica and Corporate Space. Meanwhile, the more interior planets, like Koen have mostly dissolved their military forces and relegated them to primarily security and policing. Inter-system policing is handled by the Republic Rangers, a group appointed by the Senate to handle the most egregous crimes against the Republic. Many rangers are regularly seen working along side the Be'Teu Order.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Subsidiary Organizations
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