The Pentar Virus in Space Opera | World Anvil
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The Pentar Virus

The Pentar Virus is an infectious disease caused by a virus with symptoms that include: fever, headache, vertigo, and nausea, among others. The Disease is very deadly and feared by many.


The Pentar Virus causes a viral infection of the body that causes different symptoms depending on where it affects, for example, the symptoms of dizziness and vertigo are most common in cases where the virus has infected the head and neck regions (which is the most common variant of the disease). The most common symptoms across all strains of the virus are fever, fatigue, and nausea.
  The symptoms typically begin within a week of exposure, with the patient being contagious a few days before the onset of symptoms. The illness is highly contagious, being spread through bodily fluids like vomit, excrement, etc of an infected person. The disease can also be spread through cross-contamination of things, such as water, that were contaminated with the bodily fluids of an infected person.


Due to improvements in medicine and infrastructure, the illness is much less common than it once was, with medical professionals now having the tools to fight the disease -at least the more common strains of it. It is still found occasionally, mostly in regions or planets with high populations and low infrastructure, allowing the disease to live on despite efforts to eradicate it.
  The illness is treated with a regiment of anti-viral medications under the close supervision of doctors and medical professionals.


Some of the virus’s more common strains have been studied enough by medical professionals to create preventative methods to stop the virus from spreading. The most common of these is a vaccine given via injection which is commonplace on most planets.


The disease has risen and fallen over time, sometimes resulting in deadly epidemics, especially on underdeveloped planets and planets with high populations. The most recent, and memorable of these epidemics, was the epidemic of 2235 AGC (178 years ago) which took millions of lives and lasted officially until 2242 AGC. In memory of the pandemic and its victims, the Galactic Coalition government erected a Plague Memorial in the Federal District of Athea.


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