Ocarran Spirituality Tradition / Ritual in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Ocarran Spirituality

The Ocarrans have a dualistic spirituality with many elemental and animalistic aspects to it. They believe in both benevolent and malevolent beings, which are various forms of higher powers, forces of nature, and spirits. Traditional worship involves prayer and offerings given to the gods and spirits. They believe that if you offend a spirit you may invoke its wrath so they have many superstitions on how to avoid that.   It is important to note that not all Ocarrans believe in these spirits in the same way their ancestors did, seeing the deities and spirits more like forces of nature beyond explanation. Many modern worshipers, especially in the cities have synchronized traditional Ocarran faith and practices with those of the Faith of Daana.

Locations & Practices

Ocarrans that still traditionally worship have small household altars or spirit houses in their homes, normally near the doorway with small icons of whatever deity the owner favors. Offerings of food, water, and candles are given as offerings, and prayers and praises are sung when needed.   While in prayer Ocarrans mark their forehead with a horizontal orange mark, or more commonly run their thumb horizontally over their forehead as a way of mimicking putting the paint on. The marking is believed to open the mind to the spirits and as such are worn while in prayer or worship. They are also believed to protect the person while in the vulnerable position of prayer.   More public places of worship are normally features of nature that are thought to be inhabited or associated with the spirits. Some of them have large shrines built over them but many are just plain with the offerings being left in a small spirit house. Some are buildings that are later converted into shrines but these are less popular and are considered less powerful.


The hierarchy of ocarran spirituality is very basic and informal, with simple priests and elders being the spiritual leaders for those in their local communities. They perform religious rights, commune with the spirits, and craft amulets or other spiritual objects on behalf of those in their neighborhood.
Planet of Origin 
Culture of Origin 

Deities & Spirits

Ana’ahan - The supreme deity and creator of Ocarran Spirituality. Is often synchronized with Daana.  

Core Beliefs & Superstitions

Amulets & Charms

Ocarrans use amulets and charms to ward off evil and to encourage prosperity and wealth. These charms are commonplace and most Ocarrans have owned one at one point.   The Kimun is a common protection charm in the shape of a triangle with protection animals engraved on it, which is commonly kept on the doorframe of homes as well as worn as talismans. It is believed to keep bad luck as well as malevolent spirits away.


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