Cromian - species Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Cromian - species

Cromians are a sentient humanoid species native to the low-gravity planet Cromia.


Cromians are a tall thin humanoid species that tend to be between seven and eight feet tall, with long necks and limbs. They are very tall and thin due to their species having developed on a low-gravity planet. Which gave them the ability to grow like that. They have long thin hands and feet, with four digits on each hand and foot, with one of them being a thumb when it comes to the hands.   They have grey or white skin, often with purple, blue, or green tints; they may have slightly redder or blusher coloring around where their blood vessels are closer to the surface of their skin. They don’t often have markings on their skin, but when they do they are often chunky linear markings on the face or body.   They have long narrow heads with widely spaced eyes and large downward-pointed ears. They have flat facial features, with slit-like nostrils.   As stated earlier, Cromians developed on a low-gravity planet, this has caused them to have some differences from species that developed on other planets. They have light hollow bones and less dense muscles, due to the fact that movement is much easier on their home planet. They also have large lungs, which end further in the body cavity than other species, which help them breathe in the thinner atmosphere on their planet.   All of these traits are reasons why people of these species rarely leave their home planet, and when they do they often require medical devices to live in places with higher gravity as their bodies are much weaker and frailer when faced with the higher gravitational forces; they often are unable to lift as much as people from other species and they are more prone to breaking bones. One example of these medical devices is exoskeletons and braces which give their body and bones support when moving against a higher gravitational force.

Other Traits

Cromians live to be older than most other species, with their lifespans being on average one hundred and fifty years old.
For more info about their related culture see: Cromian - Ethnicity
Planet or Origin


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