Cromian - Ethnicity Ethnicity in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Cromian - Ethnicity

Cromians are people who are from or descend from the planet Cromia or the cromian species.




Cromanian fashion is often a bit heavier and tightly woven, in part so that it doesn’t move around too much as well as to keep heat in. There are often lots of layers or shawls like articles of clothing. The hems are also often weighed down with beads or other heavy decorative elements so that it doesn’t blow around too much.
  Cromians also tend to decorate their clothing with lots of beading and embroidery, especially around the hems, with the base fabric tending to remain solid in color. There is often imagery related to the planet's native flora and fauna as well as some geometric designs or interpretations.


The architecture on Cromia is very different from architecture on other planets, this is due to the low gravity on the planet allowing for taller and thinner buildings, often decorated with lots of the swirling artistic elements which are favored in Cromain culture. Cromian buildings, especially Cromian skyscrapers are often tall and spindly, some with fancy bends or arches involved.
  The decorative elements of Cromian architecture tend to be quite curvy and swirly, similar to architectural elements from Karsa, but a bit thinner and more delicate looking. These elements also often involve imagery of the planet's native flora and fauna, although patterns and imagery from off-world have also started to become more common.


Life in Isolation

Because Cromians cannot leave their planet without lots of heavy bulky medical devices, they tend to stay on their own planet and only rarely leave the planet, with only a handful being known to do so throughout history.
  Life outside their home environment can be quite painful as they are not built to withstand normal or higher gravity, and it causes lots of straight on their bones and muscles even with medical devices. Without their medical devices, their body would be crushed by the higher gravity which would result in death without immediate intervention. It is for these physiological reasons that Cromians rarely leave their home planet and why their representatives tend to attend meetings through video and hologram calls rather than in person.
Planet of Origin
Related Species


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