Bulera Geographic Location in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Bulera is a terrestrial planet covered in a large urban city, making the planet an ecumenopolis ie a planet city. It is also the Homeworld of the Buleran species and culture.   The planet is not a member of the Galactic Coalition but it is an ally of the organization and often works with coalition scientists. The planet is a bit isolationist preferring to keep tier problems private and not getting involved in other’s conflicts.

Star System

Bulera is a planet in a single-star system along with four other planets. It has two moons orbiting the planet both of which have been colonized, made habitable, and terraformed, mostly for agricultural use.   The planet's atmosphere has lots of carbon dioxide meaning that the native species all breathe carbon dioxide making it hard for them to live in other environments without the use of breathing masks.

Ecosystem & Geography

The planet was once home to a multitude of biomes with a large array of biodiversity, but as the planet’s technology and population count progressed the planet's urban areas took over the planet and turned the planet into an Ecumenopolis with little to no natural wild spaces left.


Great Scholar District

The Great Scholar District is a region of the ecumenopolis that has many libraries, universities, and other research institutions located in it, making it a hub for research and intellectual knowledge on the planet and one of the most important centers of Buleran culture. It also houses many students in dorms as well as provides housing for the planet's best intellectuals.

Government District

The government district is a region of the ecumenopolis that is home to most of the planet's central government buildings and offices, it also houses some of the planet's political elite and high-end housing, although it is mostly politicians and government workers that live in the district.


Due to the planet being somewhat isolationist the majority of the population is Buleran with only very small pockets of other alien species being present.


Bulera has very good infrastructure, on par with coalition planets like Athea and Cirelia, with travel across the planet being possible in a few minutes.   The planet also has mastered industrial agriculture and farming by using the colonized moons of the planet to supply the population with food and materials. The planet is also home to many industrialized factories and workplaces, which allow the planet to develop its technology and remain self-sufficient.


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