Buleran - Species Species in Space Opera | World Anvil
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Buleran - Species

Bulerans are a sentient humanoid species native to the planet Bulera.


The Bulerans are a small species, only around three or three and a half feet tall in height. They have tough skin, kinda like a soft exoskeleton, normally with grayish-blue and purple pigmentation and patterning. The patterning is often focused on their crests and around the top of the head, and are believed to be a tactic for scaring off larger predators by making them look scary and confusing.   Bulerans have tall flat somewhat bug-like heads and faces, with a pointy chin and a slight crest near the forehead. They only have three digits, thumb included, on their hands and feet. They also lack an external ear, with their ears being internal and sound reaching them by a hole on either side of their head.   They have slit snake-like noses and have two sets of eyes, one larger main set and a smaller set for peripheral vision, this allows them to have a wider range of vision and makes them more aware of their surroundings. Their eyes tend to be grey or white with rectangular-shaped pupils, large irises, and dark barely visible sclera (whites of the eyes).   Some Bulerans grow barbels, a sensory organ similar to the whiskers of some fish, near their mouth, either near the nose and/or on the chin. These barbels tend to get longer with age and long barbels are considered a symbol of elderly wisdom and experience in Buleran society.   From the time of fertilization until a child reaches the late stages of puberty around the age of fifteen or sixteen, bulerans are intersex with no definitive sexual characteristics. During puberty, sexual characteristics develop and there is believed to be an environmental factor to what sexual characteristics will develop.

Other Traits

Bulerans have a different neurological system than most humanoids, this allows them to have near-photographic memories and the ability to calculate outcomes at extremely fast rates.   When Bulerans age they don’t have as many outwardly visible effects, called senescence, they don’t go gray, they don't get wrinkles or age spots; however; as a Buleran becomes older their body and mind will require more and more energy to function and eventually, their body will just shut down due to lack of enough energy. Bulerans have a longer life span than humans and have one of the longer life spans of observed alien species, living on average to be around 300 years old.   Bulerans have a different respiratory system than most other species, requiring carbon dioxide rather than oxygen. Because of this, when not on their homeworld, Bulerans need access to carbon dioxide often done by wearing a gas mask that the wearer can breathe through.
For more info about their related culture see: Buleran - Ethnicity
Planet of Origin 


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