Solendar The History of Atalana Timeline
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The History of Atalana

The peoples of Atalana have much history to draw from, though they may not recall all of it...   This is the complete record of the events, sins, triumphs, and times of the people of Atalana.

The Age of the Eorame

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The time when the Eorame were the strongest of any race, and constantly improved their world, along with the fall of Solut.

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    The Birth of the Eorame
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The God Eoldyn created the greatest of all the races to ever exist, the Eorame. Blessed with beauty and the Gifts of Creation and Life, the Eorame sought to bring glory to Eoldyn by using their Gifts.

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    The Creation of Atlina
    Artistic creation

    The Eorame  pool together their abilities and create Atlina along with Oruk'dae.

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    The War of Angels
    Era beginning/end

    The War of Angels was the conflict between the Eorame and Koltoros. It was fought largely in Atlina, though the initial battles were in Akaros.

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    The Rebellion of Solut and Fall of the Koltoros

    Solut and the fallen Eorame, the Koltoros rebel against Eoldyn. The Fallen create their fallen races, and the Eorame create their servants.

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    Soluts Defeat

    The Ark'angellis defeat Solut and imprison him in the Ak'arundul.

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    The End of the War of the Angels

    The last of The Fallen are defeated and imprisoned in Ak'arundul. The War of Angels officially ends.