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In the beginning the god Eoldyn created the race of Eorame, who would be known as angels in the lower realms. Not only were they the most glorious of beings, but they were granted the blessings of Creation and Life, allowing them to create whatever their hearts desired. Pooling their abilities together, the Eorame created the land of Atalana, a world teaming with life and magic. However, the greatest of the Eorame, an angel named Solut grew in pride, believing that he alone should rule the mortal worlds. When his demand was denied by Eoldyn, he rebelled, bringing with him a third of the Eorame. The fallen Eorame, known as the Koltoros, created the race of Ki'Eoldwynae, demons, who in turn created shades and other monsters. These fallen races fought the Eorame, who created their own servants, the Ki'Eoramenae, the immortal spirits, who also created nymphs and great beasts to aide in the war.   The war raged on for eons, eventually ending with the imprisonment of the Koltoros in the depths of Ak'arundul, hell. However, in the lands of Atalana the creations of the Koltoros and Ki'Eoldwynae, led one Ki'Eoldwynae, Du'Raga, who escaped divine punishment, still waged war against the races created by the Eorame.   As time passed on, only the oldest of races remembered the War of Angels, as it came to be called, and the peoples of Atalana live in relative peace: the Arundelli in the northeast, the refined Kurenteel to the west, various tribes of Kala descent to the south, and the squabbling My'Kante States at the heart of Atalana, and the island nation of Epheria, and many others.   Towering mountains and majestic deserts, dense woodland and endless prairies. The peoples of Atalana were blessed by the gods with a beauty that could only be described as divine. The gods even gifted the inhabitants of this beautiful land with a touch of divinity itself: magic. But the young races, in their pride, squabble over this glorious power and threaten to tear the world apart.

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