The War of Light and Dark Myth in Soldiers of the Sword Coast | World Anvil

The War of Light and Dark

In the beginning, the twin goddesses Selûne and Shar were the only forces that existed - light and dark. Selûne eventually created Chauntea, the goddess of agriculture and harvest, who pleaded for warmth to sustain life and the creatures that depended on her land. When Selûne and Shar couldn't agree on how to fulfill Chauntea's request, Selûne took matters into her own hands.   To warm Chauntea, Selûne reached out to a plane of fire and ignited one of the celestial bodies with her pure flame. But this action incited the wrath of Shar, who attempted to extinguish all light in the universe. Desperate and weakened, Selûne tore the essence of magic from her own body and threw it at Shar, pulling dark magic energy from the latter. The combined energy formed Mystryl, the goddess of magic, who balanced light and dark magic and favored her mother Selûne.   Despite her defeat, Shar nursed a bitter loneliness in the darkness and plotted her revenge. Meanwhile, Selûne drew strength from her children and even deities from other planes. Despite the waxing and waning of her power, Selûne's light remains steadfast.


The War of Light and Dark refers to the ongoing conflict between the twin goddesses Selûne and Shar. Selûne represents the light, often symbolized by the moon, and Shar represents the darkness. The exact nature of the conflict varies depending on the myth, but it typically involves a struggle between the forces of good and evil, light and dark, or order and chaos.   In some legends, the conflict between Selûne and Shar creates or influences the creation of other gods and goddesses, as well as the mortal world and its inhabitants. The war can also be seen as a metaphor for the duality of human nature and the constant struggle between light and dark within each person.   In many cultures, Selûne and Shar are revered as powerful deities who have a profound impact on the lives of mortals. Worshipers of Selûne may offer prayers for protection, guidance, and hope, while those who venerate Shar may seek her blessing for power, strength, and revenge. Despite their differences, the two goddesses are often seen as complementary forces that keep the universe in balance.