Ra'jiin Character in Soldaana | World Anvil



Ra'jiin is an ancient Marid, water genie - one of the few that still exist in Soldaana. He is considered as one of the most powerful genies and has been tasked with overseeing the peace and protection of the wind and sea, Karkossa's domain. As such, he is constantly moving around Soldaana and its oceans. Recently he has been trying to broker peace and investigate conflicts deep within the Verden Sea. Here he actually was attacked and in throngs of battle - learning that there are forces out there acting against the will of the Gods. He even lost an eye in the process. He has decided to return to Ellidell to discuss plans on how to address the changes and what it could all mean.   Ra'jiin is also the father of Surge, although he has been absent throughout her life due to his commitments. He met Surge's mother, Kirianna, under a guise when trying to take a reprieve and had a night of bliss with her - although she herself was also under a guise. He was informed of Kirianna's pregnancy and decided that he would give Surge the power of Karkossa by leaving her an amulet containing a scale of Karkossa's coporeal form - which she had abandoned long ago to further aid Soldaana.    He has just recently returned to see Kirianna and Surge and is trying to make the best of the situation he was not a part of for so long. Perhaps maybe even be the father, even the husband/partner, he could never be before.




Towards Ra'jiin



Towards Kirianna

Kirianna (spouse)


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