Ostenforth Settlement in Soldaana | World Anvil



Similar to other cities in Soldaana, the city of Ostenforth is brimming with diversity and change as people flock to the city to learn the ways of art, history, and higher studies as well as trade and economics. However, there is a high representation of human variants, half-human species, and halflings in the city. Part of this stems from the belief that Ostenforth once was the seat of power (before split from Holden's Run) of Loterna.


Ostenforth is a strange city as it runs under common law and is ruled by the people by the most part - with representatives elected for the various classes and districts. It also has some direction given to it by the paragons of House Morrinvale. This House once had rule over the city but passed the rule to the citizens, but still funds much of the city and is often deferred to.


Ostenforth does not have many training or military prowess and instead contrracts out warriors from Haltoss to protect it and its resources. These guards and warriors are stationed at the Haltossian Brigade and are responsible for protecting much of the city. There is a guard of the city who deals with internal issues and policing, but these are much less experienced but are overseen by Captain Sylas.

Industry & Trade

Ostenforth is the major city at the southern end of the river's end in Soldaana (The Crossing and The Mistydell River). As such, imports and exports destined for various places in Soldaana often make stops in Ostenforth.


Ostenforth is known for its thinkers and scholars. Those interested in aspects of history, construction, invention, magic, and more. Thus, it is known for the College of the Quill and its training of such scholars.


Ostenforth has many stores and wares with a few of note:   Eltus and his armory off the Ostenforth Docks   Ye Olde Elixir: An alchemy and potion shop owned by a male Kenku named Qualaas.   The Arcane Foundry: A shop containing many enchantments and arcane items owned by a female air genasi named Indra.

Guilds and Factions

The Soldaana Coalition is a major factor in much of Ostenforth's ambitions as they are those interested in preserving histrory and culture of all of Soldaana.   The College of the Quill is the college in Ostenforth that trains many in the ways of history and time. It is an established place that also trains all types of learned magic, such as wizards, clerics, warlocks, and more.    The Standarad-Bearer's Guild is a mercenary and mission group ran out of Ostenforth that offer contracts all throughout Soldaana, but has had an overwhelming amount of contracts within Ostenforth as of late.


Ostenforth is said to have been part of a Larger city that was mixed with Holden's Run in some of the narratives. However, there was a split before The Convergence and the city was implanted into the southern end of Esselan. Ostenforth has since been ruled by a family of elves, those of Hous Morrinvale, which have since ceded much of their power to the people of the city.

Points of interest

The College of the Quill and the Soldaana Coalition are of particular interest.   Otherwise, the Palace of Eternia allows people to explore and sate their innermost desires serving as a house of gambling, games, drugs, and more.
Included Locations
Owning Organization
1 - Ostenforth Docks 2 - Market Square 3 - Grand Cathedral of the Drake 4 - Palace of Eternia 5 - College of the Quill, Temple of Tallanen, Shrine of Soldaana, and Soldaana Coalition Headquarters 6 - Inn the Water 7 - The Standard-Bearer's Guild 8 - Ostenforth Barracks and Haltossian Brigade

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