Holden's Run Settlement in Soldaana | World Anvil

Holden's Run


Holden's Run is surprisingly one of the most diverse cities in all of Soldaana as they welcome any and all who are interested in the arcane arts - especially those already gifted with talent. However, often there is a lack of Genasi as such peoples often make pilgrimage to The College of the Primordials in Ellidell.


Holden's Run is run by a Council which represents different classes of magic - as the city runs on the various schools (from evocation to necromancy). As such, there are three representatives of each school that hold seat on the Circle of Mages, representing the interests of those who support or practice their magic.


Holden's Run is surrounded by a massive, uniform stone wall that is all one component versus normally constructed piece by piece walls. In addition, each Obelisk and the Ivory Spire serves as mortar of sorts - capable of delivering massive balls of magical ferocity and devastation. From the Ivory Spire, a magical sphere is capable of being projected that generates a strong barrier able to resist many forms of assault.

Industry & Trade

If it can be thought or imagined, it can be created in Holden's Run. However, unlike Ebonrock - items are imbued with magical energy instead of mechanical. The major export (and import for that matter) of Holden's Run is magical items, scrolls, spells, and rare gemstones for enchanting and storage purposes. The gems that flow from Zerafas, Soldaana's Spine, and Subterreria are the most treasured imports for the denizens of the city.


Similar to Ebonrock, Holden's Run prides itself on invention and study. Yet, instead of studying machines and technology - the people of Holden's Run study the various aspects of magic and how to use them to perfect life and society.


There are eight districts that exist in Holden's Run, surrounding the central Ivory Spire. Each district has its own central node of power referred to as Obelisks. The Eight districts are named after the various schools of magic:   Conjuration Necromancy Evocation Abjuration Transmutation Divination Enchantment Illusion

Guilds and Factions

There is a central school and academy that runs out of the Ivory Square, with each school having a faction of representation.


Holden's Run was once said to be the seat of power of Loterna far before The Convergence. It was the origin of magics in the mortal worlds and is said to be the birthplace of Elves (at least for the case of the Eladrin, Wood Elves, and High Elves). Yet, not all could last as Loterna split into her three parts and each created parts of Etheria and their own spheres as well shortly before and during The Convergence.   The city has stood ever since and has constantly grown in scope and power - seeing many other kingdoms rise and fall around it across Soldaana.
Alternative Name(s)
Magic's Foothold
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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