Tycho-class Vehicle in Sol System | World Anvil
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The Tycho-class destroyer is a midsized class of warship built and utilized by the Democratic Parliament of Luna Navy. While not as well armed as other destroyer type classes in the DPLN, the Tycho-class are the largest and chiefly used breaching craft in the Lunaren navy. With a large contingent of marines that can be deployed anywhere they are needed through either heavy, but well supplied hevy landers, or light fast attack pods that can slam through the hull of most any ship and deploy marines directly to its deck.   Though the size and composition of the ships have changed over the years, the Tycho-class is the oldest continually used ship design by the DPLN and gets its name from the Lunar Revolutionary War era destroyer the LNS Tycho.


Weapons & Armament

Additional & auxiliary systems

  • Repair drone

Hangars & docked vessels

  • 6x Light breach pods (with room for 20 marines for a total of 120)
  • 2x Heavy landers (with room for 150 marines for a total of 300)
350 meters
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
500 marines


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