Jovian Moon Federation Organization in Sol System | World Anvil
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Jovian Moon Federation

The Jovian Moon Federation is the governing body of the inhabited moons of Jupiter's orbital system. Since its founding in 2756 as a replacment for the Jovian Colonial Congress the JMF has become the strongest sovereign organization in the Outer Sol System. It works as a central federal government that oversees all collective items and actions from it's members moons, as well as oversees the workings of the semi-autonomous states that make up the federation.



Executive Branch

The Executive Offices are headed by the President voted in by the Jovian people along with the Vice-President.

Executive Branch Offices

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Secratary of State
  • Secretary of Defense
  • Secretary of Finance
  • Secretary of Commerce
  • Secretary of Logistics
  • Secretary of Sciences

Jovian Council

The Jovian Council is comprised of representative groups from each of the Federated moons, with ten representatives from each moon totalling at 120 representatives. The Council also contains members of military leadership and executive secretaries. The leader and cheif representative of the Council is the Federation's Vice-President, they not only preside over meetings but act as a breaking vote in the event of a tie.   The role of the Jovian Council is to create laws, regulations, budgets, etc, regarding the entire federation as a whole. They do not have the power to enact laws specific to a single moon or faction within the Federation.


Federated Jovian Moons

The inhabited moons of Jupiter that are part of the JMF each have a local government with a similar structure to the federal government. They consist of an Executive Office headed by a Governor, and a State Council presided over by a Vice-Governor. The jurisdiction of these governments is the inhabited and developed areas of the moon as well as the low-orbit space above the surface. State Councils set thier own terms for council size and position tenure, they have the power to create laws, regulations, budgets etc, as long as those edicts do not break or contradict superceding federal laws.   Moon governments have the power to police their citizens and enforce state and federal law, but do not control military forces. However, they have the ability to request aid of the Jovian Guard where they are given temporary, limited control of the elite force.


List of Federated Moons

Moon Inhabited Federated Governor Population (Est.)
Io 2700 2756 Mikel Rasha-Dorn 14,700,000
Europa 2680 2756 Delewis Erinetti 17,500,000
Ganymede 2656 2756 Tavit Garon-Shost 57,600,000
Callisto 2692 2756 Pyotr Sray 37,300,000
Elara 2722 2756 Stevens Alm 1,379,000
Mneme 2758 2762 Liela Velazquez 358,000
Helike 2762 2762 Elisarah Wade 712,000
Praxidike 2757 2760 Klia Ambend 1,129,000
Ananke 2772 2772 Carlos Chaudhri-Das 1,983,000
Cyllene 2778 2780 Tae Bolworth 374,000
Amalthea 2753 2756 Devi Hashikawa 6,482,000
Thebe 2780 2780 Olint Cole 3,974,000


The Jovian Moon Federation main defense for is the Jovian Moon Federation Navy (JMFN) which protects not only the Jovian orbital moon system, but the lagrangian assets and trade routes through Jovian space.The JMFN is complimented by a ground force known as the <<Jovian Guard>> which consists of marines trained to fight in gravity wells such as planets and heavy moons.

Agriculture & Industry

Due to its relativley large gravity and stable magnetosphere most of the Federation's agricultural industry is located on Ganymede which distributes foodstuffs as well as medication throughout the rest of the moons (with any excess being marked for export). Water for crops and general use is siphoned from the oceans of Europa and, like food, distributed to the other Jovian moons.   Along with being the largest food producer in the outer system, the Jovian Federation is also one of the largest weapons manufacturers throughout Sol.

Trade & Transport

Though most naval organizations still mostly employ weapons built by their own governments or defense contractors, it is well known that Jovian weapons are more advanced. Quickly after colonization ended the governments of the system began inquiring about the purchase of said weapons, and since then Jovian weapons have become a major source of income for the region. Aside from weapons the JMF also trades in foodstuffs and medicine based on any surplus production from Ganymede.   Within Federation territory, free trade is allowed between the Jovian moons which encourages a healthy and robust internal economy and greater self-sufficiency than other outer planetary governments.


Leader Title
Current Leader
Estimated Population
143.5 million
Founding Date
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Major Exports
  • Weapon Systems
  • Foodstuffs
  • Medicine
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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